Madison Naming Roads

In order to facilitate the operations of their new 911 center, Madison County is naming all of their roads. They’re about 60% of the way done, and are seeking public input on the remaining 40%. When Albemarle did this, we ended up with road names like “Pinch ‘Em Slyly.” WINA has the story.

UVa to Sell Kluge Land

UVa is already selling off portions of their 7,000 acres that John Kluge donated back in May. The land is along Route 20 south, between Scottsville and Carter’s Bridge. It’s speculated that most of the land will go to private owners looking for an estate, and not to developers. Eric Swensen has the story in today’s Progress.

Police Searching for Carjacker

Police are searching for a suspect in a carjacking and a robbery that took place this afternoon. Around 1:30, a black male at MailBoxes Etc. on 29 North threatened a women with a knife before making off with her car. He’s described as 6′ tall, 200-250lbs and having a light moustache and beard. The car is a pewter-colored 2000 Cherolet Blazer with the plate “RIPPLFX.” The story is from WINA.

Police Backpedal on Race Attacks

Charlottesville Police Chief Timothy Longo has begun to backpedal on statements that the string of attacks by black teenagers on white UVa students were racially motivated, despite confessions from the arrested suspects. The topic became hot after David Duke’s white supremacy organization got involved on Thursday, demanding that the suspects be charged under § 18.2-57 B., which is Virginia’s hate crime statute. Reed Williams has a story on the matter in today’s Progress.

City School Employees to Get 2% Raise

Charlottesville school employees will receive a 2% pay raise, Kate Andrews reports in today’s Daily Progress. Due to the shortage of state funding, it had been anticipated that the planned pay raise would be cut to 1%. But the city schools will only be getting $17,286 less from the state while simultaneously receiving $1.5M more from the city.
