Madison Naming Roads

In order to facilitate the operations of their new 911 center, Madison County is naming all of their roads. They’re about 60% of the way done, and are seeking public input on the remaining 40%. When Albemarle did this, we ended up with road names like “Pinch ‘Em Slyly.” WINA has the story.

4 Responses to “Madison Naming Roads”

  • Anonymous says:

    Dirt Road

    Gravel Drive Way

    My Way

    High Way

  • Anonymous says:

    My memory of Albemarle’s experience with starting E911 is now vague. Do I remember correctly that the charges on one’s telephone bill to fund this (contracted-out) effort were meant to be only temporary?

  • Lafe says:

    So, what’s wrong with “Pinch ’em Slyly?” I think it’s a great name for a road. It could be worse… they could end up with a name like “Rio.”

  • Waldo says:

    So, what’s wrong with “Pinch ’em Slyly?” I think it’s a great name for a road.

    Nothing’s wrong with it — I think it’s a great name, too.

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