Earlysville Polluted by Manufacturing Plant

The Environmental Protection Agency is studying four pollutants that have leached into the soil near the airport in Earlysville, J Reynolds Hutchins writes in the Daily Progress. The Avionics Specialties plant is the source of the trouble, though the EPA has found that the toxins (including a carcinogen) are the fault of Teledyne, who ran an aerospace-related plant on the site from 1954–1992. Teledyne has refused to take responsibility, but the EPA is going to force them to. There are months of study ahead for the EPA, sure to be followed by years of cleanup.

3 Responses to “Earlysville Polluted by Manufacturing Plant”

  • JMRL Fan says:

    This pollution was common knowledge years ago – long before Walnut Hill was developed. That the government has dragged their feet this long in even STARTING to clean it up is ridiculous.

  • Aitken says:


    Who was the developer of the affected properties? (I don’t know.)

    Did the developers know the properties were affected? When did they know it? Did they disclose this hazard to buyers? Did they developers take efforts to conceal the contamination?

    Should the buyers — initial and subsequent – have known the dangers?

    So many questions.

    Link to a perhaps similar situation elsewhere in the County:

  • JMRL Fan says:

    I don’t remember who the developer was, but the fact that the Teledyne plant was contaminating groundwater in the area was well-known way before the development went in. A friend whose husband worked there in the mid-80s to about 2000 said it was one reason there wasn’t development in and around the plant.

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