UVA Art Museum Renamed

The UVA Art Museum—formerly known as the Bayly Art Museumis now the Fralin Museum of Art.  #

7 Responses to “UVA Art Museum Renamed”

  • JMRL Fan says:

    Why did they stop calling it the Bayly in the first place?

  • As I recall, it was never really known as the Bayly in the first place. That was just the name of the building that housed the museum. It wasn’t so much as a name change in 2001 as it was an assertion of its proper name, or so I’ve been told. (I could swear that, when I’d visited the Bayly as a kid, that they called it the Bayly.) Presumably the other advantage of moving to a generic name is that would clear the decks to then sell naming rights, as they’ve done these eleven years later.

  • JMRL Fan says:

    When I moved here in 1984, people always referred to it as “the Bayly”. I assumed that when they started referring to it as the UVa Art Museum, it was because the Bayly family stopped cutting checks.

  • Claire says:

    So it will be the Fralin Art Museum in the Bayly Building, sorta like how we have David A. Harrison III Field at Scott Stadium. They slice and dice every piece of the entity and sell naming rights to the bits and pieces.

  • james says:

    To the best of my recollection, when I was employed there (summer of ’00 — one of my first post-High School jobs), pretty much everyone involved called it “the Bayly.” I was never totally clear on why they rescinded that name later, but presumed it had something to do with behind-the-scenes finances and the University’s ongoing efforts to sell the naming rights to pretty much everything.

    But I still mentally (and verbally) refer to it as “the Bayly Art Museum,” and will most likely continue to do so, until I sound hopelessly old-fashioned, like the folks who refer to “Lane High School” as a landmark when giving directions.

  • JMRL Fan says:

    And I drove by yesterday (Sunday) – the new sign out front says “Fralin Museum of Art in the Thomas Bayly Building”. Also, the street that goes behind the museum is Bayly Way.

    Yes, much like the football field at the football stadium on the Athletic Grounds nonsense, as Claire aptly notes.

  • Jack says:

    UVa doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo that the museum is called ‘The Bayly.’ I will continue to call it The Bayly, as will most people whom I know.

    Similarly, a few people in City Hall seem to be misinformed about the name of the Downtown Pavilion.

    A name of a public place is what people actually call it.

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