Gallup: C’villians Respectful, Healthy, and Optimistic

A Gallup poll of 190 metropolitan areas found that Charlottesville has the second-highest Well-Being Index and that we treat each other more respectfully than any other area in the nation. Lancaster, PA ranked just ahead of us for overall wellbeing, a ranking based on factors like optimism, regular consumption of fresh produce, the rates of obesity and diabetes, and the rate of health insurance. The results are based on random phone surveys conducted with over 350,000 adults throughout 2011.

11 Responses to “Gallup: C’villians Respectful, Healthy, and Optimistic”

  • Let the flamewar commence. ;)

  • Duane Gran says:

    With the exception of comments, of course. :)

  • JMRL Fan says:

    Better living through bogus statistics!

  • danpri says:

    Damn liberals! No spine.

    And get off my lawn!

  • Perlogik says:

    Survey must have been taken before the bypass was passed. ;)

  • danpri says:

    Or the Belmont Bridge…

  • Christian says:

    Either university towns are full of youthful optimism (really?) or the ‘liberal’ outlook is good for your health (no way, really?)

  • Barboursville C'ville says:

    Although we treat others respectfully,
    On roads, we agree ineffectually.
    Inane disagreeing
    Impairs our well-being,
    And stymies our growth, intellectually.

  • Michael says:

    Fecking Lancaster!

  • Frankly Pseudo says:

    Are you ready to feel the love of controlled growth and uncalculable sustainability!

    What’s the margin of error on this Gallup-Healthways supposed Well-Being Index? 10-12 incremented units? If that’s actually so (but not stating that is) Charlottesville would be NO BETTER than fellow Virginia City – Bristol! Also, does anyone smell an impressive accolade or fine notable recognition coming soon to a city council meeting near you?

    Me suspects, this all is a massive planned promotional front, being executed well ahead of an April 26th C’ville Tomorrow arranged townhall meeting. This will feature visiting lecturer Dr. Katherine Loflin (extensive google – excessive credentials)accompanied by a panel of three “community” (as in the specific acertained Charlottesville sense of the word) members providing a “local perspective.” All from the quite Illustrious and assuredly Positive I’m sure.

    Forty bucks a pop for a ticket and limited seating. Surely the brunt of that affair’s reciepts is allocated for the speaking fees. Ah, but is it worth foregoing a fill-up in the family ride to find out, whether there’s also some UVa professor who perhaps has the initials DB on the panel providing local perspective? Then additionally surprising or not, could the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission also have some hand in this as well?

    Anybody care where this usually winds up herding the unwashed masses? Yes, Ich bin ein C’viller – and how “respectful,” “healthy and “optimistic” I am, that these will likely end up translated for use as academic and political manipulations. Gee, who’d possibly get such a rank idea?

  • What’s the margin of error on this Gallup-Healthways supposed Well-Being Index? 10-12 incremented units?

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 12 point margin of error on a poll. That would allow a 24% swing in any pair of data points, and render it worthless. Gallup rarely releases polls with MoEs greater than ±4 points. Checking the linked page, I see that they write:

    Maximum expected error ranges for the MSAs vary according to size, ranging from less than 1 percentage point for the largest cities represented to ±6.5 percentage points for the smallest cities.

    So, worst case, ±6.5 points.

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