The Huguely Media Circus Begins

The city is doing its best to accomodate the 35 media outlets covering George Huguely’s murder trial, Ted Strong writes in the Progress. Nearly two hundred people will descend on the town for the two-week trial, which starts tomorrow. CBS-19’s Bailey Disselkoen reports that satellite trucks are already lined up near the court house, and Fourth Street will be closed for the duration so that the 15–19 plus-sized vehicles will have a place to park. The mechanics of having so many reporters in a small place present some real obstacles, but the city, the sheriff’s office, and the court are all trying to deal with those problems.

9 Responses to “The Huguely Media Circus Begins”

  • belmont yo says:

    So the national media are ‘occupying’ the Fourth St area, eh?

    I think a bunch of hippies should go down there with microphones and ask them if they can specifically articulate their goals.

    You know, for the lulz.

  • Christian says:

    Good one yo!

  • Christian says:

    The other thing I was thinking is: do they have a permit? Has it been paid for? What’s the cost to the city for law and traffic enforcement? How about the additional parking costs?

  • GonzoG says:

    Must be bad–most of the local news servers are REALLY slow. Progress and Hook are DOA from my location.

  • Michael says:

    The cameras came crowding
    The circus began
    To see the big trial
    Of this little man

    The broadcast, the cable
    The weeklies, the dailies
    The bloggers, the tabloids
    Like Barnum and Bailey’s

    We walk a tight wire
    In modern society
    On one hand, intrigue
    The other, propriety

    Some see the macabre
    They can’t help but to stare
    Like the scene of a car crash
    Or men fighting a bear

    Is justice replaced
    By a sick, perverse sideshow
    With sensationalist coverage
    From the moment they say GO

    Guilty, not guilty
    To them, doesn’t matter
    They feed us and feed us
    Crime deep-fried in batter

    If the trial is boring
    It will be a disaster
    For all the news clowns
    And their cunning ringmaster

    But there is relief
    That I failed to mention
    We can help end the circus
    By not paying attention

    We can close their three rings
    Give Love’s life its true worth
    By not treating sadness
    As the Greatest Show on Earth

  • danpri says:

    Well, the media is spending serious jack in cville. And the city needs every penny it can get in that tax base…

  • Barbara Myer says:

    I was so proud of us for not commenting on this story! I was very disappointed to surf over here and see six comments. Then I realized that they began with Belmont Yo, slid past teaparty complaints about occupy, and penultimately rang in with a nearly epic poem.

    Y’all rock!

  • Barboursville C'ville says:

    Allegedly, Virginia LAX player,
    Visiting ex-GF, did slay her.
    And now, all the media,
    from WaPo, to Cvillepedia,
    Are making my hair that much grayer.

  • joeblowcville says:

    It’s obviously crazy around the courthouse but it seems pretty organized. I would think the reading of the verdict will be a bit different but it’s nice that the city has provided a separate place for the media to keep them out of the courthouse.

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