Occupiers Convicted of Trespassing

The seventeen Occupy Charlottesville members who refused to leave Lee Park hav been convicted of trespassing, Samantha Koon writes for the Daily Progress. The park closes after 11 PM, and though allowed to remain for weeks, their permit was finally non-renewed. Some protesters refused to leave, and were arrested. They were fined $100 apiece, which can be paid outright or covered via community service. The group member who stripped off her clothes and read a statement of protest during the arrests had the charges of indecent exposure against her dropped, with Judge Robert Downer finding that it was a non-sexual political statement and therefore protected expression.

16 Responses to “Occupiers Convicted of Trespassing”

  • Oops. Obviously that should have read “11 PM.” I’ve fixed that now!

  • Barboursville C'ville says:

    Though protesters made little sense,
    Experience there was in tents.
    Their arguments lousy,
    Their habitus frowzy.
    The laggards owe ten thousand cents.

  • Christian says:

    Acceptable judgment.

  • I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—I’m just not going to get tired of poetry here.

  • Christian says:

    Protesters have a worthy Fight,
    but few see their plight.
    They live in a world of Money,
    all told it’s oh so funny,
    the 99 can’t feel the same,
    just too busy being lame.

  • danpri says:

    Careful or Waldo will be applying for grants to the National Arts Council!

    Anyone care to guess, sans google etc, what you need to make to a global One Percenter?

  • colfer says:

    Danpri, are you suggesting we need a world gov’t? Otherwise, the operative category is a U.S. 99 percenter, not world.

  • danpri says:

    Right, because we operate in a vacuum that does not include the rest of the world. It was just a question. Or is it only the left that can ask questions?

  • I bet the bar is awfully low to be in the top 1% globally, particularly given the huge portions of China, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Africa, and South America who live in abject poverty. (Though that’s got to be difficult to calculate. Exchange rates alone don’t tell you about purchasing power.) I’m going to guess that an annual income of $30,000 is what it takes to be in the top 1% globally.

  • danpri says:

    Close. 35K.

  • Hey, that’s pretty good!

  • Christian says:

    The figure in USD is meaningless other than making you feel good about how good we all are here in the US. How you live with X currency of disposable income after basic std of living is the metric. With 35K$ here in Cville, you’re bottom barrel. As I said, lame (although, now, maybe globally lame?).

  • colfer says:

    Can ask the question but policy is national. I’m a big proponent of policy over guilt-tripping gestures such as where-you-shop. For example, rather than worry about Apple’s labor policies, legislate against its obscene tax offshoring. The market is barely affected by moral avoidance campaigns. Policy works.

  • blockhead says:

    I can appreciate your comment colfer. Thing is- I can control where I shop much more than I can national policy. I’m not really expecting Washington based corporate appeasers will tighten up the tax code anytime soon. Unless of course someone like Mitt Romney gets the nod.

  • danpri says:

    Policy works in micro management, but usually has a backfire that hurts something else. Remember the luxury tax debacle back in the late 80s?

    Legislating behavior does not work a la Gaia hypothesis. Life is too complex. Additionally, it also supposes that someone actually does have the correct extending solution rather than treating a symptom via policy. And when the physician is treating the symptoms, it is usually because s/he does not know what the real problem is…

    Add to that the simple fact that most policy wonks have little foothold in the real working world and disaster is often right behind.

    I am not happy with Apples choices. And I say this as I type on my iMac, with two daughters having macbooks, 5 iPods in the house and iTunes on everything. The question for myself is this: that next gen iPad coming soon, do I buy it or something else? And how do I know that something else is not produced right along the iPad?

    And if we create policy that nails Apple, while leaving other tablet producers from offshore free of constraints who do we help and who do we hurt? I do not have the solution, but I can promise you this, neither does government.

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