Beleaguered Children’s Mental Health Facility to Be Demolished

Jefferson Trail Treatment Center for Children is going out of business, and the building is being demolished, CBS-19 reports. You might remember Jefferson Trail under any of its prior names, which it kept changing every time they were found to have beaten or raped their young patients: Millmont Center, Brown Schools, or Whisper Ridge. They changed their name three years ago after the director of operations pleaded guilty to attempting to have sex with one of the children in her care. (For more on how terribly that kids were treated at the facility, see examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.) But I’ll say this for Jefferson Trail: there’s no evidence that they ever abused their patients while they operated under that name. So, uh…good job?

4 Responses to “Beleaguered Children’s Mental Health Facility to Be Demolished”

  • colfer says:

    Also a big student apt. complex is going up across Arlington Blvd., if I have my geography right:

  • colfer says:

    My suspicion on this place has always been that it shows what happens when we allow the gov’t to outsource x to private contractors. (In this case you could call x either teen mental health or teen detention facility, since the teens were ordered into custody by Juvenile courts, as I understand it.) We end up paying as much for the privatized service, with less accountability, and more of the money going to owners, shareholders and executives, and less to front-line workers, who also lose job security. So we end up with a population of economically insecure workers. These jobs used to be a step up into the middle class. An unfortunately similar example was when the city contracted out garbage pickup, the archetypical step-up job.

    I knew two teachers at the former version of Milmont. They were given no training by the local managers, who spent their time sitting around joking about the teens.

    Only because the scandal was uncovered in place dense with journalism did it (presumably) stop.

  • colfer says:

    One more thing. The x order by the Juvenile courts I’m sure allowed parents with more money to send their teens to better facilities.

  • Mark says:

    colfer – I think the new apartments are going up on the site of the Jefferson Trail building not across the street. It looks like the new development will also take the old Recording for the Blind building, and the office building between RFB and Shops a Milmont.

    I’m disappointed to read a suggestion from Rosensweig to reduce planned parking. Inadequate parking doesn’t reduce use of cars, it just makes residents drive around creating pollution looking for on-street parking. The idea that the city will reduce student cars by reducing the ability to park them will just push more student residences to the county.

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