Kay Peaslee Has Died

Observer founder Kay Peaslee has died, Bryan McKenzie writes in the Daily Progress. The well-known firebrand and her husband established the weekly in the the seventies, selling it in 1988. (The Observer folded in 2004.) In the mid-nineties, Peaslee spearheaded the unsuccessful movement to revert Charlottesville to a town, to share services with Albemarle County. She moved to Indianapolis in March of 2010, to be near family. She died there, on Tuesday. Kay Peaslee was 89 years old.

2 Responses to “Kay Peaslee Has Died”

  • Thanks for posting this, Waldo. Kay Peaslee was one in a million. The Observer factored into my decision to move to Cville almost 30 years ago. I spent time reading the local papers over a year before taking the leap. The Observer, rather than the DP, gave me a true feeling for what life in Charlottesville would be like.

    In the link you posted to the Hook article, there was comment from Toni Rhoades that really jumped out at me, and boy is it ever true: “…I would just note that one of the more distressing aspects of life in contemporary Charlottesville is the near-complete lack of collective memory, the stuff of which context is composed and on which sound judgment and good planning are based.”

  • belmont yo says:

    Rest in Peaslee.

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