Weschler Selected by Buffett

Local investor Ted Weschler has been tapped by Warren Buffett as one of the two potential heirs for Berkshire Hathaway.  #

4 Responses to “Weschler Selected by Buffett”

  • I’ve been acquainted with Ted for about five years. He’s brilliant. This summer, the White House asked me to name some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs in the country, from whom they would seek counsel about how to make aspects of government more like a start-up. I told them that Ted Weschler was the best possible person, but that they’d never be able to get him. Turns out I was right, in a way that I couldn’t possibly have anticipated.

  • NancyDrew says:

    Weschler is to the financial world what Dave Matthews is to music – another homegrown star is born !


  • the boss of me says:

    Aside from the fact that I really don’t want my government acting like a start up after 200 years, just not my idea of what government is about, how is it that they call you up regarding anything and that wasn’t noted here before? Or, did I miss something? It wouldn’t be the first time…

  • Aside from the fact that I really don’t want my government acting like a start up after 200 years, just not my idea of what government is about

    I agree with you on that! The idea with this initiative, as I understand it, is to bring non-gov’t people into gov’t for brief periods of time to start up new projects and initiatives, especially when those projects and initiatives are private-sector-like, in the sense that the goal is to create a product or service. There are a lot of ways in which I think government should be nothing like business, but there are some ways in which I think it’s a good idea. This is one of them.

    how is it that they call you up regarding anything and that wasn’t noted here before?

    It’s not a blog about me, it’s a blog about Charlottesville. :)

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