Blake Caravati Arrested for Domestic Assault

Blake CaravatiFormer Mayor Blake Caravati was arrested last Friday night, charged with assault in a domestic dispute, CBS-19 reports. Police aren’t saying who the victim is; Caravati lives with his wife, Paula. The 60-year-old Democrat was elected to council in 1998, and was mayor from 2000–2002. Neither he nor the police have commented on the matter.

9/13 Update: The Progress has more detail on this story—which was first broken by NBC-29, incidentally—specifying that he’s charged with assaulting his wife, and that she did not need medical attention. Neither Caravati nor his attorney are commenting. There’s an initial court hearing on Friday.

7 Responses to “Blake Caravati Arrested for Domestic Assault”

  • Old Observer says:

    Blake’s a good man, with an occasional anger problem. As a City Counsellor he developed an expertise in the local jails. Let’s hope he isn’t sentenced to in-person research on the issue.

  • city democrat says:

    The Progress article states that his lawyer is Shelia Haughey, wife of Lloyd Snook, a powerful force in the City Democratic Party. Doesn’t sit well with me and I wonder what others think of this ?

  • The Progress article states that his lawyer is Shelia Haughey, wife of Lloyd Snook, a powerful force in the City Democratic Party. Doesn’t sit well with me and I wonder what others think of this ?

    I’m trying to think of the what the hypothetical problem is with this. Is it that you think there’s a conflict of interest? Also, FWIW, I don’t see Lloyd (or his wife) anywhere on the roster of party officials.

  • bobinthehook says:

    City D,
    Why would it matter who he hires as his attorney and secondly why would anyone care if it “sits” well with you. Guilty or not the dude can hire who he wants. I believe that right has not been removed but please correct. Better yet why don’t you get a petition started to get Caravati to hire someone that you approve of?

  • Jack says:

    City D,

    I served on the Exective Committee of the Charlottesville Democratic Party for several years with Lloyd. His wife never once showed up at any meeting or political event of any kind. We never once had a meeting at Lloyd’s house – his wife forbade it. His law practice, shared with his wife, was in my same office building and I can tell you that she never had so much as a political bumper sticker on her car.

    I never even saw her socialize with long-time political associates of Lloyd’s. I would be surprised if she ever socialized with Blake or looks at him as anything other than a client requiring legal services.

    Sheila Haughey was, and as far as I know she remains, completely apolitical and uninfluenced by any partisan concern. She is as pure an instrument of the law as I have ever seen.

  • Old Wahoo says:

    Regarding “Old Observer” –

    “Blake’s a good man, with an occasional anger problem.”

    That’s the weakest defense of an accused wife-beater I’ve ever seen.

  • Frankly Pseudo says:

    Okay Jack, let’s play the Feud………

    Of the 10 top answers, give us one that implies what’s up on this board!

    “I never even saw her socialize with long-time political associates of Lloyd’s. I would be surprised if she ever socialized with Blake or looks at him as anything other than a client requiring legal services.”

    Survey Says!!! Ding

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