Martha Jefferson Property Sold

Martha Jefferson’s downtown property has been sold, Rachana Dixit writes in the Progress. The building and parking lots have been sold for $6.5M to a group of investors, who are redeveloping it. The hospital is renting back the facility until August, when they’re scheduled to move entirely into their new location out on Pantops; redevelopment may well start shortly after then. Of course, what it’ll become is the big question, and if its new owners have any idea of that, they’re not talking.

5 Responses to “Martha Jefferson Property Sold”

  • Gman says:

    Wow, that’s huge news. As a downtown resident it will be very interesting to follow the redevelopment process. I think it’s very cool that a local developer will be running the project. Best of luck to all involved. I’m guessing some sort of large mixed use which could produce some very nice results. 6.5 seems like a good deal, but I can’t imagine the costs associated with the re-purposing of the building. At least 2x the purchase price? Any guesses out there?

  • colfer says:

    Here’s an interesting project Octagon is doing in Staunton:

  • Just Bob says:

    My guess – More Expensive Condo’s. Of course that’s only after they get the MRSA bacteria fully expunged from the building.

  • belmont, yo says:

    So there’s no news in Davemathewsberg to post? How then will the erudite masses hold forth? I am beginning to miss the chiseled opinions of the local anonymous horde. Come forth and let your e-spittle fly!

    Also: Does anyone else get a creepy “molested by a carny” vibe from this cvillenews header?

    Next, on a ‘very special’ episode of cville news…

    /small hands, smells like cabbage.

  • danpri says:

    GOing to be converted to office space. No food or retail.

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