Sanminiatelli Named AP Editor

Former Progress staffer Maria Sanminiatelli has been named the AP’s North American editor.  #

2 Responses to “Sanminiatelli Named AP Editor”

  • Rey Barry says:

    May make her the No.2 Prog alum after Margot Roosevelt Hornblower who was there in the 60s when I was. From the Net, an older bio.

    Margot Roosevelt, National Correspondent, TIME Magazine

    Based in Los Angeles, Margot Roosevelt joined TIME in 1987 after 13 years as a staff correspondent at the Washington Post. In 1988 she moved from New York to the Paris bureau, where she spent six years covering European political, environmental, cultural and diplomatic stories. Since moving to Los Angeles in 1994, she has specialized in social issues, covering immigration, education, crime, trade, energy, and environmental stories, including controversies over genetically modified food.

    Fluent in Spanish and French, she also has reported out of Canada and Mexico. She was formerly known as Margot Hornblower.

    At the Washington Post, Ms. Roosevelt served four years as New York bureau chief and three years as congressional correspondent in Washington. She covered presidential, gubernatorial, and congressional campaigns, as well as reporting out of Latin America and the Caribbean.

    As the paper’s chief environmental writer for three years, she traveled widely and wrote front-page series on Antarctica, Alaska, and endangered species.

    Ms. Roosevelt is a graduate of Harvard University.

    [Not mentioned, she wrote for the Harvard Crimson while in college and for The Daily Progress while her husband was in law school. Her grandfather was Pres. Theodore Roosevelt.]

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