Maurice Jones Shooting to be City Manager

Maurice Jones is shooting to be the city manager, Rachana Dixit writes in the Progress today. He became acting city manager when Gary O’Connell stepped down in April. Before that he was assistant city manager. Jones is perhaps best known for his time as a sportscaster for NBC-29 in the mid-nineties and, after that, serving as the city spokesman. An outside search firm is trying to find a replacement for O’Connell; Jones has not yet formally applied, but intends to shortly.

As this process unfolds, keep in mind that Charlottesville has a strong city manager form of government. The city manager is in charge of the city—basically a mid-sized business—the equivalent of mayor in many other cities.

10 Responses to “Maurice Jones Shooting to be City Manager”

  • Homer Simpson says:

    Evaluators will be looking at education and administrative experience, as well as local knowledge and ability to interact successfully with staff.

    City Manager is a job that involves overcoming new obstacles, meeting new challenges, attracting top talent.

    One hopes we have many well-qualified applicants with tracks records to compare.

  • Jeff Uphoff says:

    Charlottesville is in a pretty sad state when a position such as this can’t be filled quickly using straightforward nepotism.

  • HollowBoy says:

    Gary O’Connell succeeded Cole Hendrix. That does not mean Maurice Jones should succeed O’Connell.
    New blood would probably be good. Certainly seemed to work with Police Dept, although took two tries. Wolford didn’t cut it but Longo has.
    Of course the real change needs to come with City Council, sweep out that inbred clique of party hacks and cronies.

  • Cville Eye says:

    What qualifications does he have?

  • Dahmius says:

    A bachelor’s degree and 7 years experience working in city hall. Plus a cult of personality.

  • danpri says:

    Not sure if that qualifies for the jump to running a 100 million dollar biz with hundreds of employees…

    BIg jump from keeping the seat warm.

  • jogger says:

    Nepotism. A single word explanation as to how the new city manager will be selected. Jeff uphoff you are absolutely brilliant and insightfull.

  • Dahmius says:

    Wait a minute, I agree Gary treated M.J. like the son he never had, but nepotism doesn’t apply by pure definition of the word.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Going through the search’s City Manager’s Profile ( on the tenth page of the PDF, I see very little of the skill sets and experience that the community supposedly wishes our next city manager will have, so why is Maurice Jones thinking about applying? Is he expect friendship to carry him through?

  • Dahmius says:

    I disagree a little bit. I went to that link and actually, to me, it looks like they wrote it just for him. The most notable thing being “a master’s degree is highly desirable.” That should be a “must” in my opinion.

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