Whales Ahoy

Three new whale tails are going in, courtesy of ArtInPlace.  #

5 Responses to “Whales Ahoy”

  • Hawkins Dale says:

    Well, shut my mouth and call me Ishmael, that’s great news.

    I just hope they’re a little sturdier than the last one.

  • Apple says:

    I’m glad he’s leaving the wood exposed to show the grain. I think the biggest mistake was made when he covered that gorgeous wood with black paint. It looked so good in its natural grain.

  • the boss of me says:

    three times the ugly. no more public art please!

  • Just Bob says:

    three times the ugly. no more public art please!

    Oh come on! At least it’s not abstract art like a lot of the other pieces.

  • the boss of me says:

    it would be a stretch to call it art. illustration maybe? really it’s just a bad dorm room poster come to life. why does new public art in this town have to be so bad. we were off to a pretty good start with what we had before art in place. i’d much rather see one decent work of public art added than a plethora of badly sited, amateurish dreck like art in place has given us.

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