Suspect in Harrington Case

Wanted PosterThere’s a suspect in the Morgan Harrington murder case, the Daily Progress reported this afternoon. Apparently, DNA from the suspect was found, because a cold hit matched to a 2005 abduction and sexual assault case in Fairfax. A 26-year-old woman was walking through a residential neighborhood at 10 PM on a Saturday night when a ~30-year-old black male seized her from behind, carried her into a park, and assaulted her. (See the wanted poster for details on the suspect.)

The description of a suspect is a huge break in the case, which—at least publicly—has had nothing but dead ends so far. Witnesses may not remember seeing Harrington that night, but having a description of a suspect would seem to double the odds of somebody having seen something.

7 Responses to “Suspect in Harrington Case”

  • Aurress says:

    Diego Maradona?

  • Just Bob says:

    So how does this new suspect tie into the theory that Harrington’s abductor knew the area well and so had to be a local – as the Harringtons insisted (or very strongly implied) in their many press conferences.

    If this guy isn’t a local then the Harringtons owe the citizens of Cville an apology- for accusing the community of “withholding information”.

  • Cville Eye says:

    The Harringtons do not owe the community an apology. Since we do not know the identity of this suspect we don’t know if he has lived around here or not. It was my understanding that the Harringtons said local officials were withholding information, not the average joe-blow.

  • Just Bob says:

    I could quote the past articles but I will not. The Harrington’s statements clearly implied that the community was “withholding” information about their daughters death.

    If this fellow turns out not to be from this area then the Harringtons owe the community an apology for their slander.

  • Harry Landers says:

    Are your feelings really that injured, Just Bob? You’re actually demanding an apology from this poor family? Their daughter was brutally murdered and they’re trying to come up with an answer. Show some compassion and be grateful that you haven’t had to go through what they have over the past 8 months. I’m inclined to cut these folks a lot of slack.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Reasonable people in Charlottesville do not want an apology, I’m sure.

  • Tom says:

    They don’t need to apologize. They do need to, in their own time, take the opportunity to talk to our young people about alcohol / drug abuse and the associated risk of such behavior. This is not to say that being intoxicated on whatever substance is the cause, but it would be reasonable to infer that it does play a role in increasing the risk of becoming a victim. Again, in their own time, I hope to see this topic approached.

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