City Police Launch Web-Based Crime Map

The Charlottesville Police Department is mapping all crime reports, CBS-19 reports. Their CrimeView website allows people to map selected classes of crimes over selected a period in selected parts of the city, which means that citizens can keep tabs on trends in a way that would not otherwise be possible. Particularly useful is the “CyberWatch” feature, which allows you to enter your e-mail address, location, and a radius, which will e-mail you to notify you of any crimes reported within that area. (Albemarle County already provides a very similar service by having syndicate their data.) Unfortunately, the resulting maps can’t be embedded on other websites and also lack unique URLs, so you can’t share the output, which really limits its utility, but it’s still a big improvement.

6 Responses to “City Police Launch Web-Based Crime Map”

  • Apple PC says:

    Some site re-coding needs to be done before Macs can use the crime reports page. The map is partly off the screen on a Mac.

  • A fellow Mac user, I experienced that when I first loaded the page…but then it was fine, and I haven’t been able to get the problem to repeat. That’s with Safari 4.0.4.

  • Lafe says:

    I haven’t been able to find an RSS feed for it, but I was hoping to…

  • Jocelyn says:

    I gotta say, I’d prefer a more interactive map itself (not having to click each tool separately before I can pan, zoom, ID, etc), but it’s certainly a start. I’m impatient. I want to click and drag the map, not have to click pan and then move the map. I want to use the visible zoom scale (or my touchpad) and not have to click zoom in/out before the scale works. I want to click on the little icons and have them display the info, not have to click info first and then click on the icon. You get the picture, I’m sure.

    (For an example of what I mean,’s use of google maps is pretty cool. )

  • perlogik says:

    Math Shows Some Crime Hot Spots Can Be Cooled, Others Only Relocated.

  • emory says:

    Interesting tool. Queried for all locations all crimes for the past seven days, hit and run is in the lead with 14 occurrences.
    Vandalism & simple assault share second place with 9 each.
    Citizens have requested traffic calming for a long time.

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