Reminder: Local Media Forum Tonight

Here’s your day-of reminder: the / Left of Center future of local print media forum is tonight, at Rapture, at 7:00 PM. Based on the RSVPs, it looks like this going to be packed. Given the planned candid talk by editors from three local publications, alcohol, free tasty foods from Rapture, and lots of good company, I can see why. RSVP on Facebook or, hey, just show up.

3 Responses to “Reminder: Local Media Forum Tonight”

  • the boss of me says:

    I’m still trying to figure out how to show up as several different anonymous attendees. Several of us are I mean.

  • Maybe the 58 people who have RSVPd via Facebook are all, like, 12 people.

  • Wow. As it turns out, no. They were, in fact, each representing half of a person. I guess we’ll have to do that again soon. We’ll have a podcast and some photos up soon enough. I’m grateful that so very many folks came!

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