Baron Devere-Austin Caught Stealing Old Crap

An ostensible baron and director of crappy 70s TV shows has been charged with stealing stuff from the Antiquer’s Mall. Let’s keep an eye on this story—I think it’ll be fun.  #

31 Responses to “Baron Devere-Austin Caught Stealing Old Crap”

  • Oh, dear God, please let this pan out as I think that it will.

    Here’s his wife’s Wikipedia entry, which either she or her husband created. (I’ve nominated it for deletion because, really.) Then there’s her website, his website, and—worst of all—the web page for their ghastly estate, with the perfectly fitting name of “Foxhaven.”

    Holier-than-though rich couple, both claiming some form of royalty, the husband a former director of B-level TV shows…and the husband caught shoplifting, while the wife claims that there’s more to the story. Oh, yes, I see serious potential for a brawl in the media in the weeks ahead.

  • Cecil says:

    What is it about Charlottesville and whacky rich people? We really seem to have a real overabundance.

    The prose on her site is RIFE with grammatical errors.

  • build it and they will whine says:

    Woah, look at the show he did in 1966 for ABC!
    That’s kind of spooky

  • Gail says:

    Cecil- When I first moved here about 20 years ago, one of my neighbors said that this is a place where many people come to escape their pasts- it doesn’t work as well now that we have the internet…

  • danpi says:

    I had to deal with him in the past. Surreally hoity-toity and always needing special treatment. Oh yes, imagine the worst snobby, upper crust, through the nose accent and you got it.

  • Daniel says:

    Somethings fishy here. I didn’t realize English Barons could be convicted under U.S. property law.

  • danpi says:

    WTF? Its not like they are diplomats.

  • Fred C. Dobbs says:

    Waldo was successful in getting the Wiki barony page scrubbed, but the cached version was still available. Here it is if you’re interested.

    Kind of balances contemporary American’s loathsome cultural domination by vulgarians, which is IMO no less repulsive.

    [Hint: there’s no need to read it all. It sucks from the git-go with unbroken consistency.]

    “The Baron and Baroness De Vere-Austin reside in Bath, England and Virginia, USA. The Baron is also known as Raymond Austin, television director.

    “Richard II granted Robert de Vere 9th Earl of Oxford and 10th Lord Chamberlain the Marquessate of Dublin and the whole of Ireland at this time, when the de Vere’s took right to Kilkea Castle. (The Barony of Delvin was contained in the earldom of Oxford, by Aubery de Vere, until it was broken up by Robert de Vere’s Irish dominions in 1392).

    “The Barony of Delvin remained with the Viscounts Gormanston throughout the 19th and early 20th century. Indeed, it was not until the 1990s that the Barony was once again deeded to a de Vere.

    “Viscounts Gormanston stood down on behalf of Lady Wendy DeVere Knight-Bisley in the 1990s giving assignment on behalf of her husband, so the deed of the Barony could be passed on to him, Raymond John DeVere-Austin, (the DeVere family name was joined to Austin on his marriage to Wendy DeVere Knight-Bisley in 1984).

    “It is the present holder, Baron DeVere-Austin of Delvin, to whom the honour of taking this historic feudal title into the next millennium belongs.”

  • Fred C. Dobbs says:

    Anticipated revision:

    “It is the present holder, Baron DeVere-Austin of Delvin, to whom the honour of taking this historic feudal title into the Greene County gaol belongs.”

  • Voice of reality says:

    “Viscounts Gormanston stood down on behalf of Lady Wendy DeVere Knight-Bisley in the 1990s giving assignment on behalf of her husband, so the deed of the Barony could be passed on to him, Raymond John DeVere-Austin, (the DeVere family name was joined to Austin on his marriage to Wendy DeVere Knight-Bisley in 1984)…

    One has to wonder whether this title was purchased at an estate distress sale.

    Now THIS is the Charlottesville I know and love! Full of rambunctious royals and pretenders, inebriated film stars, swindlers, gigolos, and trustafarian murderers. To those old-timers here, didn’t it seem like we almost always had a juicy scandal a-brewin’ back in the day? Things have been far too quiet in that regard lately…

  • Fred C. Dobbs says:

    First urban legend of the Devere-Austin scandal:

    When the baron was arrested, the Greene County sheriff blurted to his deputy the famous phrase from Hawaii Five-0: “Book ’em, Danno!”

  • Now THIS is the Charlottesville I know and love! Full of rambunctious royals and pretenders, inebriated film stars, swindlers, gigolos, and trustafarian murderers. To those old-timers here, didn’t it seem like we almost always had a juicy scandal a-brewin’ back in the day? Things have been far too quiet in that regard lately…

    My God, you are so right. I feel like I’m a kid again. That’s why I like this story so much, I think—it’s the weird, bizarre, could-this-be-for-real? interaction between the elite (or a pretender; shades of Jack and Anastasia Manahan) and us comparative bumpkins that leaves everything topsy-turvy in the end. Just as it should be.

  • Sympa says:

    Instead of mounting a defamatory attack on our real contemporary royals such as United Healthcare’s Stephen Hemsley extracting $12,500 per day, every workday of the year, at the cost of thousands of people’s lives (!!!), or focusing on the countless other grave issues of our time, you all choose to ridicule an insignificant individual. No doubt you feel there’s zero risk here and that’s reason enough. What a bunch of schoolyard punks.

    Oh, I forgot, this blog’s very purpose is the social promotion of its owner somewhere, sometime. Carry on.

  • Voice of reality says:

    Sympa, there’s always a little time left in the day to have a bit of fun (an extra hour today, as a matter of fact). The story is wacky, local, and worthy of comment on a site called CVILLEnews.

    I assure you, most of the people posting here spend a great deal of time concentrating on the serious issues of the day, and commenting on them here. Mocking this particular local peer’s pomposity doesn’t mean that people like Hemsley don’t get vilified as well. Your heart’s in the right place, but you’re comparing apples and oranges.

  • Cecil says:

    Sounds like SOMEBODY got a rock in his treat-or-treat bag last night.

  • build it and they will whine says:

    Sympa_ it’s the side blog item- lighten up. This is not the blog you are looking for.

  • build it and they will whine says:

    I’ve pick out my favorite film credit and it is
    “Amazon Hot Wax,” Wonder Woman CBS, 1979. I think I’ve seen that one about a brazillon times!

    Here’s 2 minutes of Lynda Carter with the Baron’s directional deft touch- slow motion running and jumping!

  • Jenny says:

    270 population!

    Let us not get too overheated about the Barony of Delvin. First, Delvin is a small village in the middle of Ireland, the population of which was 270 at the last census.Second, ask yourself what is in a name? This Barony is probably like many meaningless titles … it has no power or property associated with it is simply a name with history.

  • Sympa/Majung/Manuga, you couldn’t stay away for a week? By my count, this is the second time that you’ve quit in a huff and then returned again. For a site that you hate, you really seem to invest a lot of time here.

  • Cecil says:

    Don’t forget the previous incarnation as Sympatico.

  • Majunga says:

    That’s right Cecil! Good memory! Nevertheless, what’s the beef? That I waste some time on this blog like u all, just a little less? Wow! The indictment! Are you going to try to defame me too? Because I don’t agree with you? As I said, carry on… You’re all so cool.

  • Hombre says:

    I think the problem is more that you are being an asshat.

    If you want to kill time here, good. If you only want to moan about what Waldo Jaquith puts on his blog, I think most people would have you bugger off.

  • Majunga says:

    ..really? Pissant.

  • Bloom says:

    I think Symp (and aliases, I guess) is most often interesting and intelligent when on-topic, and boring when going ad hominem on Waldo.

    Just one person’s opinion.

  • Jack says:


    It’s like high school all over again, yeah? The cool kids are all laughing at you while you stand there in gym class with your shorts around your ankles. We’re not ‘defaming’ you because you ‘don’t agree with us.’ We’re making fun of you because you’re a dork and because you have a weird complex about Waldo having a successful blog over which you have no influence or control.

    You go start a local news blog of your own, where you ignore the arrest records of local eccentrics claiming to be barons, and we’ll all check back with you in a year or so and see how that’s working out.

    Best of luck, big guy.

  • Majunga says:

    Jack, that’s what I said: schoolyard punks like you laughing about nothing. But you will cry about something, experience says.

  • Cecil says:

    check it out…he just CANNOT stay away!

  • is apparently like an ostensibly hideous, hateful woman that you just cannot stop sleeping with.

  • Sympa says:

    …keeping tabs on the crass populace frequenting this site is like “sleeping with” them? You should stay within your limited analytical skills, namely minor-league political commentary. JMO, of course.

  • Voice of reality says:

    The only thing funnier than a sticky-fingered baron is Waldo’s devowelizer. I’m just sayin’.

  • danpi says:

    Waldo, I never really thought of your as a hideous hateful women. But you are a liberal so that might be worse!!

    And just to make things even better, the Baron and his chick do shop at Sams Club. Perhaps they need to keep a closer eye on the receipts. I remember seeing them buy stuff there and thinking, would the Queen give Sam Walton a knighthood?

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