Medical Marijuana (Apparently) Legalized in VA

With President Obama OKing medical marijuana, my reading of Virginia law tells me that it’s now legal right here in Charlottesville.  #

12 Responses to “Medical Marijuana (Apparently) Legalized in VA”

  • Well, it’s still not legalized or even decriminalized on a federal level. You might instead say that it’s safer to use or prescribe medical marijuana in VA.

  • It’s as legal as it is in California, anyhow, or so I think.

  • Jeff says:

    I think in California it’s legal for treatment of “pain”. The VA law you link to limits it to treatment of cancer and glaucoma.

  • Waldo: Ah, I see the key sentence in the article now, off in the sidebar: “Federal drug agents won’t pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued Monday by the Obama administration.” (emphasis mine)

  • the boss of me says:

    Damn, I’m feeling a migraine coming on; or a weird pain, like menstrual cramps; but wait I don’t got no ovaries; so glaucoma, that’s it carcinoma glaucinoma I think. Whatever it is it’s comin’ on fast and strong and I know just what’ll cure it…… Hail teh One.

    I’m wonderin’ tho, what happens if I get a job at Monticellah and they make me pee in a cup?

  • Damn, I’m feeling a migraine coming on; or a weird pain, like menstrual cramps; but wait I don’t got no ovaries; so glaucoma, that’s it carcinoma glaucinoma I think. Whatever it is it’s comin’ on fast and strong and I know just what’ll cure it…… Hail teh One.

    What you know doesn’t matter, any more than if you up and decided that you needed morphine. A doctor has to diagnose you with cancer or glaucoma, and then prescribe marijuana.

  • the boss of me says:

    this article is a great read Waldo(and any of the rest of you who can read I might add)

    “California now has more than two hundred thousand physician-sanctioned pot users and hundreds of dispensaries.”

    all it seems to take in Cali is to know what you need and go ask for it. they’ve got doctors sitting right outside the dispensary ready to help you cure most anything that ails you. they’re doing so much business they aren’t even taking the risk to ship it east any more. i can’t wait for the day when it really is as legal here as it is out there.

  • I read that at the time. It’s a great article. Without that, I don’t think I’d have the faintest idea about what the on-the-ground effects have been of the decriminalization of medical marijuana in California.

  • the boss of me says:

    How many Waldos are there on the team? Do any of you ever sleep?

  • There were six but now, just three. What with the economy.

  • the boss of me says:

    Buying all those silly hats must get pretty expensive. Anyway, three persons is enough for God from what I’ve been told.

    I’m a little concerned though about what sort of mischief the others are up to now that they’ve been laid off. Lots of random popping up in crowds going on I’m guessing.

  • This is news to me. Just finished reading article earlier this week about some California airports allowing prescription pot thru screening similar to any other prescription medication.

    Federal agency TSA does not enforce drug laws and refers passengers with drugs found in bags to airport police, whose enforcement is via State Code. Wonder why this hasn’t come up before (unless it is so rare we haven’t experienced it)?

    Thanks for the heads up!

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