Realtors Endorse Slutzky Challenger

The conservative Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors has endorsed challenger Rodney Thomas over incumbent David Slutzky in the BoS race, Sean Tubbs writes for Charlottesville Tomorrow / The Daily Progress, despite having endorsed the Democrat last time around. During Slutzky’s inaugural 2005 run, CAAR chose him over Republican Gary Grant, garnering him some $20,000 in campaign contributions from the group. The local group is giving $10,000 to the Republican, no small amount of money in a BoS race.

This is, incidentally, the first Charlottesville Tomorrow story that I’ve noticed in the Progress under their new arrangement.

4 Responses to “Realtors Endorse Slutzky Challenger”

  • Dahmius says:

    Don’t know that much about Rodney’s politics, but he was all about customer service when I used to take my print jobs to Charlottesville Press.

  • Citizen says:

    Thomas has also has taken a more businesslike approach to the cost of the water plan unlike Slutzky who supports building the Rivanna dam/pipeline scheme no matter what the cost to the ratepayers.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Quite frankly I find it hard to believe that CAAR would not endorse Slutzky but yet endorse Norris and Szakos. Did they give any reasons why they support the candidates that they do?

  • Citizen says:

    Bet in the city it has something to do with the Meadowcreek Parkway and and the new dam at Ragged Mt. Szakos will not stand in the way of the either, and Norris is a shoe-in. So in the City it’s an pro parkway / pro dam vote trying to defeat Fenwick, which means he gets my vote, and I hope city residents elect him and realize he’s the one who will do what’s best for the city.

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