My Dog is Doing OK, Too

Breaking news: local bird is just fine. Yes, but what about the other 250,000 birds in the area? Has anybody checked on them?  #

3 Responses to “My Dog is Doing OK, Too”

  • Gman says:

    Well, we are taking care of the squirrels too, not just the birds. I’m glad your dog is doing OK. Mine is too.

    Reading that news blurb and writing this post are a few minutes of my life I’ll never get back….oh well.

  • Voice of reality says:

    Will someone PLEASE think of the possums???!!!

    Seriously though, I kinda liked that a merry band of people tried to rescue the bird. Just feel that the story was a bit too anticlimactic to make it onto the news. Sorry 29. If only there had been some zombies involved somehow…

  • HollowBoy says:

    Speaking of birds, the Rockfish Gap Hawkwatch at the Inn of Afton Mountain has started and they need volunteers. Volunteer counters and watchers are especially needed on weekdays.
    The hawkwatch has been running every fall for 34 years and there is some concern that it may have to fold due to lack of volunteers. Many of the original founders are passed away or no longer able to do it.
    Be a great way to introduce young people to the Great Outdoors. They also observe and note other migrating birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and anything else of interest.

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