The Students Are Coming! The Students Are Coming!

Here’s your annual warning: The students return this weekend. Stay off 29, away from Barracks Road, avoid 64, and if you value your palate, leave downtown restaurants to the kids’ parents.  #

5 Responses to “The Students Are Coming! The Students Are Coming!”

  • Questor says:

    Run for the hills! Summer seemed far too short this year.

  • jogger says:

    Time slipping by a little too fast for you, Questor? Sure sign of aging. Enjoy.

  • perlogik says:

    Invasion of the mini fridges!

  • Victoria says:

    I forgot and went to Target today. *stupid stupid STUPID!*

  • formercvilleresident says:

    Don’t worry there will be an invasion of students coming this weekend to all of the colleges in the lynchburg area(Sweet Briar College,Randolph College, Liberty University and Lynchburg College.) I might not go near Liberty University this weekend. because there will be traffic on wards road A.K.A. route 29 south. so Charlottesville i know how it is. i once lived in cville and know what it is like. for me i stayed indoors or if i did go out it was away from UVA.

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