Camille’s 40th Anniversary

Sandy Hausman has some great audio of people recalling Hurricane Camille hitting Nelson 40 years ago (MP3). Over 30″ of rain in five hours, over 100 dead. Stunning.  #

2 Responses to “Camille’s 40th Anniversary”

  • Bonnie O'hara says:

    For more depth than sound bites can provide, the library and used bookstores have “Torn Land” by Jerry H. Simpson Jr. Jerry covered the Camille aftermath for the Daily Progress, then interviewed in depth all who had a major part in assessing the damage and the recovery. Great book. A signed First Edition (there were two) with good dust jacket sold for $35 at a Harlowe auction last month, probably a record price. Must have been to get the good lookin’ guy on page 104.

  • The Lynchburg News and Advance has a dedicated special section to the 40th anniversary. It is worth checking out.

    The article by former DP photographer Bob Wimer I found particularly interesting. A great first-hand account of how the news unfolded. It is an interesting contrast to today.

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