Two Months Until Daily Train Service

Amtrak service to DC starts September 29 October 1.  #

6 Responses to “Two Months Until Daily Train Service”

  • Daniel says:

    Anyone know when or how we can start buying tickets? The AMTRAK website doesn’t seem to recognize this yet.

  • This is confusing. Doesn’t Amtrak already have a 7:20 train every day from CVS to WAS?

  • Amtrak has theoretical service every day. In my experience, it runs about 50/50. Half of the time the train actually comes, half of the time they end up sticking you on a bus. It’s in no way reliable. That’s because the train is coming from New Orleans, and there’s lots of opportunity for delays along the way. This train will start in Lynchburg every morning, thus significantly reducing the likelihood that it’ll be running late.

  • Jim Duncan says:

    … coming from New Orleans … insanity.

    I have a client moving back to the States who has recently lived in Belgium and Germany and he was astounded when he found out that the Cville-DC train was coming from New Orleans.

    We were discussing how overseas, people get fired if a train is 5 minutes late. Here, we’re impressed if it arrives at all.

  • colfer says:

    Also, the Cville to DC segment sells out more than the preceding sections. Hence the frequent move to the Amtrak bus.

  • Thanks for the clarification, Waldo. This sounds great!

    And yeah, I’ve never been particularly impressed with the Silver Crescent line.

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