Dems Nominate Madison Cummings for BoS

Albemarle Democrats nominated Madison Cummings for the Samuel Miller seat on the Board of Supervisors this evening. He was running against Lucia Phinney. The North Garden resident will run against possible Republican John Lowry (he’s not saying) for the seat current held by retiring supervisor Sally Thomas. Those wanting to learn more about Cummings can watch video of his campaign announcement speech, courtesy of Charlottesville Tomorrow, and Lowry has a campaign website with information about him and his candidacy. (Via @DoloresMaireRog)

9 Responses to “Dems Nominate Madison Cummings for BoS”

  • Lonnie says:

    That’s really too bad. Now I honestly don’t know who to vote for. I distinctly get the impression that Madison Cummings is not going to be an advocate for rural protection… I was stuck in an airport in NM so I was able to vote in the primary.

    Any thoughts on why Madison got it and not Phinney?

  • Questor says:

    Does anyone know if the BoS gets paid? I tried looking on the county website, but could not find specifically their salary. I can find some budget numbers, but nothing that makes sense.

    Perhaps you could assist me, Waldo. Thank you.

  • Questor says:

    And is anyone else annoyed at the Creigh Deeds ad on the right? democrat and virginia are both lowercase.

    I wonder if the laid off person was in charge of proofreading the ads.

  • The current Board of Supervisors annual salary is $14,542.
    Brian Wheeler, Charlottevsille Tomorrow.

  • Questor says:

    Thanks, Brian. How does that compare to the Cville City Council? I couldn’t find anything on

    Thanks in advance.

  • Cville Eye says:

    @Questor, I believe the Mayor is still getting $14,000 and the others are getting $12,000.

  • Cville Eye says:

    I believe Kendra Hamilton proposed that Council start getting annual cost-of-living increases and health insurance but I never heard of any action on that proposal by Council.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Lonnie, I haven’t looked too deeply into this but on the surface I have to agree with you. From
    Cummings: “Cummings also said the County faces many transportation challenges, and he called for the completion of the Meadowcreek Parkway. He also said he is committed to supporting County efforts to reduce pollutants that enter the watershed and eventually the Chesapeake Bay. He concluded his remarks by addressing Sally Thomas’ 16 years of service, and pledged to emulate what he claimed was her position on County growth.” Stale.
    Phinney: “…used her nomination speech to call for the hiring of a County employee to boost efforts to sell locally-produced food, maintaining a volunteer fire and rescue service, and increased use of rainwater harvesting to reduce the reliance on the public water supply.” Thoughtful.

  • Lonnie says:

    Any independant candidates thinking of running? I’ve got a check just waiting to send to you, if you can convince me that your position on growth and conservation is superior to the existing candidates.

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