Democrat Challenging Del. Rob Bell

A local Democrat intends to challenge Del. Rob Bell in this fall’s election, Brian McNeill writes for the Progress. Cynthia Neff retired to Charlottesville from IBM a few years ago, and says that she’s running against the Republican incumbent because she’s frustrated with his attention to brochure bills while ignoring weightier matters. Bell has almost half a million dollars in his campaign coffers, far and away the largest war chest of any member of the Virginia legislature. Neff serves on the board of the Albemarle County Democratic Committee, and managed Marcia Joseph’s challenge to BoS member Ken Boyd a couple of years ago.

18 Responses to “Democrat Challenging Del. Rob Bell”

  • Elux Troxl says:

    I think that Bell’s pioneering and politically heroic work on bullying may have been the parabolic top of his accomplishment potential, and it is time to move on to more pressing matters.

    Give Neff a chance.

  • Dahmius says:

    Bell reminds me of Arthur Dimmesdale. Bring back the Scarlet Letter Robbie.

  • Jan says:

    Glad to hear it. FINALLY!

  • KTorg says:

    This is very exciting news! We need someone with a solid business record to represent us in Richmond.

  • cjdumler says:

    I know Cynthia well and think she will make an absolutely fantastic delegate. She has a proven, successful business record – both with IBM and as a small business owner – that I believe would make her far more effective in Richmond than our current representative. And while I agree that Rob Bell seems like a nice guy, he’s had nearly eight years in office without much to show for it and definitely seems to be more a part of the problem than the solution these days. I, for one, am glad to have an alternative, especially one of this caliber.

  • perlogik says:

    Has she lived here for very long? I don’t believe that she has. I just think it would be awful hard to beat Bell who may have held an office in this area for longer than Neff has lived in Virginia.

    If somone knows the answer I would be grateful for the correct info.

  • City Shamwow says:

    Good. He needs the competition. Better yet, he needs a healthy dose of the 21st century.

  • Pete says:

    If Rob Bell loses, the school bullies will have won!

    In a similar vein, we need to get Goode back in office so that he can finish dealing with the “anchor babies” crisis.

  • fdr says:

    Do you all know what HR at IBM does? It’s not a business position, its a cya the company and move jobs overseas job. That is all IBM HR does and its what Neff was partially in charge of as one of many HR VP’s at IBM.

  • jayrunswild says:

    Wish I could retire by 57…

  • ead says:

    It’s about time! We need a liberal, corporate, come-hither to get things rolling in this backward, hick, state of ours. God knows, trying to find ways for our State government to help with problems in the daily lives of everyman is a complete waste of time for a local representative(delegate). She and Terry McAuliffe undoubtedly can straighten alot of things out and drag this Olde Dominion into the freaking 21st century.

  • Cville Eye says:

    @perlogik ““I find the General Assembly’s performance over the past couple years to be disappointing,” said Neff, who moved to northern Albemarle in 2006.”
    “God knows, trying to find ways for our State government to help with problems in the daily lives of everyman is a complete waste of time…” Don’t you have family? Why on earth would you want the State government helping you with problems in your daily life. Next thing you know that government will run an “Advice to the Lovelorn.”

  • ead says:

    Ever had one of your kids bullied? Ever tried to get out onto 29N for work from a road with no light? Who takes up the issues of our daily lives in a forum where something can be done? Is this not what our elected representatives are supposed to do? I do not think some retired corporate hack who moved here to add to the overbuilt sprawl represents anything about me. Go the **** back to wherever you came from and make that place better.

  • perlogik says:

    Thanks, cville eye for the info. I don’t know where she stands on the issues but having lived here for only 3 years sounds like a very short time. Greene county isn’t known for welcoming newcomers into the political landscape so quickly.

  • Steve Ashby says:

    I’d run, myself——but nobody wants a crazy leftist native (some of my ancestors were stockholders in the Virginia Company) in the General Assembly. BTW—it isn’t nice to tell people to go back to “Beetle Bailey cuss-words” where they came from. My experience is that the folks doing that sort of thing came here themselves. A native would certainly know better. If the lass from IBM will support transit,bicycles, and sidewalks she has my vote.

  • Voice of reality says:

    Steve, from one crazy leftist native to another: Please, for the sake of us all, RUN!

  • Steve Ashby says:

    Thanks, V.O.R.! Counting the crazy leftist in Greene County, I’ve got at least three votes. That’s a Republican mandate, isn’t it? :-]

  • Cville Eye says:

    Oh, I thought ead was telling me to go back to where I came from, Charlottesville.

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