CHO Staging Faux Plane Crash

On C-Ville’s “This Just In” blog, Chiara Canzi writes that CHO is looking for people to pretend to be victims of a plane crash as a part of a emergency preparedness drill. I drove by the airport the other day and saw that they had a simulator set up at the far end of the runway, which is presumably what they’ll be using for this. If you’re interested in being made up to look like you just survived a terrible accident, the Office of Emergency Management is the place for you. And, for god’s sake, post the photos to Flickr.

10 Responses to “CHO Staging Faux Plane Crash”

  • Hawkins Dale says:

    This is all very exciting… but C-VILLE needs to learn how to spell “moulage” (the bloody-victim makeup).

    Man, if I didn’t have a day job, I’d love to get made up like… like… maybe there’d be dead people. You know, casualties. And then maybe some of them would come back to life, craving, of course, brains.

    Boy, this sounds like fun.

  • lisa says:

    This should be interesting and fun =) We signed up to volunteer and I am looking forward to seeing how severe a victim I will be! The people in charge mentioned they were having a hard time finding volunteers which I find to be sad. People who can need to take some time and help out!

  • Meg says:

    I signed up as well. I’m surprised they’re having a hard time. I’m not thrilled about getting up before 7 on a Saturday but other than that I’m really excited. And you get free lunch!

  • lisa says:


    Thats great to hear you signed up too! Should be interesting :) I dont mind starting early as I am hoping it helps to avoid the heat. And yea – free lunch ftw!

  • oldvarick says:

    Hate to throw cold water on this thread, but CHO could easily be a scene for a national tragedy. I remember a movie a while back called something like a “thousand heroes”.

    Please have fun, but help all the emergency responders train for the unthinkable.

  • lisa says:


    Of course we will help as that is the reason we are going and while it will be interesting, first and foremost is to follow direction and make sure we do our volunteer job well =)

  • James Ford says:

    I heard a promo for this on WTJU yesterday and almost did a spit-take. This sounds like a marvelously bizarre spectacle. First thing when I get to the station today, I’m gonna find that promo and read it on-air (I always look for the weirdest ones).

  • Hawkins Dale says:

    On the southern end of the runway, they’ve set up a fake jet plane, and a rather real-looking big white propane tank, which makes me think that there’s going to be non-fake fire.

    Boy, I wish I could go.

  • Meg says:

    Yes, there was “non-fake fire,” and I now have a greater respect for the firefighters who have to go into those kinds of scenes all the time. They set fire to a large black mat outside of the plane (I can’t remember the correct term for it) and the firefighters put that fire out, then after the volunteers left the plane there was more fire around the plane that had to be put out.

    I was one of the 12 volunteers who actually got to go on the plane and be rushed out by a firefighter. Once we got out, there were more volunteers waiting out in the field who were also playing crash victims. Most of us on the plane were reds, meaning they had the most severe injuries and needed to get to the hospital right away, but I was a green with just some minor contusions and abrasion. That was okay with me, because I don’t think I would’ve wanted to be out in the sun with as much fake blood on me as some of those guys had.

    All in all, I think the exercise went really well, and kudos to the Office of Emergency Management and all the firefighters, EMTs, police and others involved. Hopefully they will never have to respond to a real emergency at CHO similar to the one staged today.

  • lisa says:

    Yes, it went well today and the fire pit was impressive :) My fiance and I were green too and were on the plane as well.

    I agree with you Meg, at first I was like yea I want to be severe then I was like uh no, I just want minor things so I can move about ;)

    I wonder what the cars driving by thought -LOL!

    They did a good job and I am glad I volunteered to help out. And I too hope it never comes to realization but am glad they practice!

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