MPO Meets, Realizes It’s Got Nothin’

The latest meeting of the Metropolitan Planning Organization sounds like a bummer: the MPO is realizing that, with the state approaching bankruptcy in the transportation realm, they can’t do a thing. A special session of the General Assembly is scheduled for next week, and Ben Doernberg covered Del. David Toscano’s transportation town hall meeting for Charlottesville Tomorrow, held earlier this week. Unless something significant gets accomplished during this special session — and I’d bet good money that it won’t — expect a lot more thumb-twiddling MPO meetings.

Incidentally, this Daily Progress story is by Rachana Dixit, a newcomer to the paper from the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star and, before that, JMU’s Breeze, plus the odd contribution to the Nepali Times.

6 Responses to “MPO Meets, Realizes It’s Got Nothin’”

  • Um Waldo,

    Are you cyber-stalking our new reporter already? She hasn’t even settled into her desk. :)

  • Hey, I write the same names, five times a week. I can’t help but notice the occasional guard-changing, and figure it’s about time I started calling it up. Maybe it’ll reduce my break-in time for new reporters. ;)

  • van says:

    How does the Progress lure anyone to the Progress staff?

    Prestige factor I guess.

  • Cville Eye says:

    If the state Deputy Scretary for Transportatn that Delegate Toscano brought here Monday for his town meeting on transportation is a Kaine appointee, was that town meeting for information or proselytizing?

  • colfer says:

    Politics is not a religion. People who go to town meetings can figure it out for themselves.

  • Sean Tubbs says:

    Because the meeting length ran over, we at Charlottesville Tomorrow had to split our coverage into two posts. The first contains the transit updates, the TIP public hearing, as well further discussion on the streetcar. The second contains Harrison Rue’s presentation of the North 29 Corridor Transportation Study.

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