Media General Spam

I signed up for the Daily Progress‘ site at some point. And today I got my first piece of Media General spam, promoting the craptactular-looking It’s like they want people to hate them.  #

7 Responses to “Media General Spam”

  • 88 says:

    ahh…that’s who that was from. I received it as well. My subscription was canceled a while ago, so i guess i’m without recourse…

  • Cville Eye says:

    Waldo, when you said you signed for the DP site, did you mean signing up to post on their site?

  • It was before their current redesign, back in…(checking my Gmail archives…December of 2004.

    Ah, yes. It’s all coming back to me now. The paper was about to start requiring registration to read articles, and a condition of registration was that you had to agree to receive spam from third parties, no ifs ands or buts. Man, I forgot about that. I’m glad they bailed on that plan. Anyhow, I’d signed up then, to see what would happen. Now we know. :)

    Looking over their current terms and conditions, I don’t see any terms that are so egregious. (Though they do, hilariously, claim the right to stop you from linking to their articles.)

    The only promotional e-mail that I ever got from the Progress previously was two years ago, offering discounted tickets to the Blackfriars Playhouse. That I was totally fine with. It was local, relevant, timely, and useful to me. That’s advertising that’s valuable to me. But promoting some crappy coupon site? That’s useless.

  • Jim Duncan says:

    It’s stunning to me that the spam-a-bility made the transfer from the redesign, but their archives didn’t.

    Maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised.

  • wow... says:

    yeah, total spam…what a lovely :) 90’s designed site that deal taker is too!

  • DealGurl says:

    DealTaker sucks now that is a greedy corporate machine!

  • Anonymous says: for folks who love to hate Media General….One of their reporters filmed local business women’s breasts without their knowledge or consent and showed the video around the newsroom….managing editor thought it was funny…nothing happened to the reporter…but the woman who complained was fired. One of the victims’ was the wife of a judge…this is in Danville – but MG owns the Daily Regress too….

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