Serial Rapist Sentenced

Nathan Antonio Washington was sentenced to four life terms this afternoon, Rob Seal writes in the Daily Progress. Just before his sentence was read, the notorious serial rapist said to the judge: “I didn’t mean for these things to happen they way they did. I had no self-control. I always thought I was good, until I was tempted.” Oddly, he only pleaded guilty to five rapes, with Seal writing that “a sixth attack will not be pursued.” Lab results will show whether he should also be charged with a 1997 rape in Waynesboro.

21 Responses to “Serial Rapist Sentenced”

  • Demopublican says:

    Another major embarrassment for the local law enforcement agencies. 10 years of chasing their own tails and never could develop a suspect. If it wasn’t for the keen eye and observations by one of the victims this guy would still be walking the street seeking out new victims. She deserves every penny of the reward to be awarded her later this week. What is it, $55,000? I think I read $55,000 somehwere!

  • Cville Eye says:

    “Another major embarrassment for the local law enforcement agencies.” I see no reason why the local law enforcement should be embarrassed. They don’t work with TV scripts.

  • JC Clark says:

    Karma is the great equalizer……JC

  • Demopublican says:

    CVille Eye, you must be kidding? Local law enforcement could NEVER solve the serial rapist case for ten years? And yet a victim with no law enforcement training or investigative skills comes along and tells them, “hey, this is the guy!” Sure, the coppers then put the guy under surveillance and make the cases. I applaud the victim, not the coppers who are trying to pat themselves on the back.

  • Cville Eye says:

    I don’t plan to look up any statistics, but most crimes are solved by victims saying “hey, this is the guy!” except on TV.

  • Demopublican says:

    Not true. Eyewitness identification is so unreliable that most judges won’t even consider it. And in jury trials special instructions are usually given to the jury about eyewitness identification. An excellent book on this subject is “Eyewitness Testimony”, by Elizabeth F. Loftus.

    Don’t you recall when the Charlottesville Newsplex did a special series on eyewitness identification back in 2005? This was shortly after a police department 120 miles away arrested a local 5’11” 220 pound 52-year-old white male with gray hair and mustache…. when the suspect was clearly described as a 5’8″ 20ish-year-old hispanic male with black hair and no mustache. In all fairness to them, but certainly not an acceptable excuse for conducting such a haphazard and sloppy investigation, the police department 120 miles away was given false and misleading self serving information by local authorities. I think it’s pretty safe to say they did NO investigation and relied solely on the false and misleading self serving information provided them. The charge against the suspect was laughed out of court BEFORE he had to utter one single word. OK, back to the tale, the Charlottesville Newsplex sent two young adults walking down the street and told them they were going to get robbed. After the robbery they were brought back and asked to identify their assailants. Neithe one of the “victims” gave anywhere near the same description for either of the assailants. It really was like a script from the sitcom Reno 911 on television.

    Notwithstanding all of the above, the victim in the serial rapist cases tried to give her observations and gut feelings to law enforcement long before they finally decided to look into it. If I recall correctly, the victim had to approach law enforcement twice before they would take her serious or listen to what she had to say. This is one case where you might say eyewitness identification was done quite well by the victim of the serial rapist.

  • Cville Eye says:

    “Eyewitness identification is so unreliable that most judges won’t even consider it.” Not true the world over. I did not say eyewitnesses are infallible. Police ask “Who hit you?” “Who stole your wallet?” “Who was driving the car?” “Who sold you the alcohol?” “Who threw the rock?” “Who was going through the door when the alarm went off?” See?

  • Demopublican says:

    No, I don’t see. WTF did you just say?

    By the way, the news now reports the girl who solved the serial rapist cases got $60,000. Way to go girl!

  • Cville Eye says:

    I really didn’t think you would.

  • Jogger says:

    And these are the same cops you folks want to provide subsidized housing for and increase their salaries into the stratosphere. I say they all should be reduced in rank to meter maids, and made to walk a beat, and that includes the chief. Good ol’ john q. public has once again solved the case. Wonder if this young lady would like to take this “senior citizen” to dinner with her new found wealth? Enjoy your money girl and spend it like its the last you’ll ever have.

  • Demopublican says:

    Hell Jogger, you should take miss/mrs john q. public to dinner in appeciation of her solving this serial rapist case after the cops couldnt solve it for over 10 years. If you do I will pick up the entire tab!

  • Jogger says:

    The cops could have probably solved this case long ago if the rapist had been hanging around a donut shop rather that working in a meat market.

  • Demopublican says:

    Jogger, crimes are solved when citizens crack the cases. Just like in this case. 10 plus years without the right tip and the serial rapist case remained unsolved by the police. I wonder if the police will pat each other on the back for finally solving this crime while handing out commendations at this year’s Police Awards banquet? Across the bottom the trophies can read, “Only took a decade to solve, proud to be a member of the team!” On the front of the trophy cup there can be an image of a cop chasing his own tail, with a 10 year calender in the background!

    Another interesting case I learned about back in 2005 was the murder of Sheriff Dunning’s wife in Alexandria, Virginia. It still remains unsolved. And it will remain unsolved until a citizen calls in the right tip, with directions on how to use the tip, and maybe with a dozen 8 x 10 glossy photographs explaing the directions on how to use the tip.

  • Cville Eye says:

    I wonder what is it that the ppolice should be doing that they are not doing in order to solve the murder of Sheriff Dunning’s wife. Anybody got any ideas?

  • Demopublican says:

    Good question, CVille Eye. Maybe they should have been concentrating their efforts on the felony murder investigation instead of wasting their time investigating a misdemeanor and coming to Charlottesville to falsely arrest a 52 year old 220 pound 5’11” white male with gray hair and a mustache, when the real suspect was clealy described as a 5’8″ 20ish-year-old hispanic male with black hair and no mustache? I would hate to think the murder of a sheriff’s wife would remain unsolved forever. Sure doesn’t help ease the mind when law enforcement can’t solve the murder of one so close to them.

  • Demopublican says:

    ps – when the real suspect was clealy described as a 140 pound 5′8″ 20ish-year-old hispanic male with black hair and no mustache?

    Forgot to put 140 pounds in the reply above

  • iknowcville says:

    Steve , I mean Demopublican, In court did’nt the vicitm pick you out?

  • i love iknowcville says:

    Demopublican has finally been outted as the local fired deputy who fell asleep on the job. Iknowcville apparently does know Cville.

  • Demopublican says:

    Very close guess. Try again. And please keep talking. :)

  • iknowvirginia says:

    Cops rape girls too:

    February 24, 2008

    OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND – Police in the resort said they are charging 31-year-old Zachary Dennis Taylor of Ruther Glen, Va. with second-degree rape following an incident that took place last weekend.

    Taylor, whom police said is a Fairfax County, Va. deputy sheriff, is accused of raping a 22-year-old woman after escorting her home from a nightclub.

    The victim told police that Taylor left the bar with her after she became intoxicated and walked with her back to Taylor’s hotel room, where he allegedly sexually assaulted her. Afterwards, Taylor put her on an elevator and left, police said.

    Hotel employees called police after finding the woman crying in the lobby of the hotel.

    Taylor is expected to surrender to police on Thursday, an Ocean City police spokesman said.

  • I Made it #1 you made it 17th says:

    “I always thought I was good, until I was tempted.”

    can you believe he said this?? TEMPTED???? WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is such a sucka to me this dude. I cannot believe this guy…

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