“Cyber Monday” Doesn’t Exist

WINA is among many media outlets reporting on “Cyber Monday,” the internet equivalent of Black Friday. The catch is that it doesn’t exist. Reporters, do yourselves a favor and don’t run that story.  #

9 Responses to ““Cyber Monday” Doesn’t Exist”

  • Big_Al says:

    Not about that. It may change this year (though I doubt it), but for the last ten or so years at a well-known “local multi-channel electronics retailer” the biggest day of the year is the 2nd or 3rd Monday of December (it’s not the Monday after Black Friday). In fact, each year the daily record is broken on that Monday (it varies depending on when Xmas falls, when the shipping cutoff is, etc). All the record days on their web site since it went online in 95 have fallen on that Monday in December.

    I would be reluctant to disagree with an esteemed member of the corporate mainstream media such as Business Week, but at the “local multi-channel electronics retailer” at least the biggest online (or off line) shopping day has NEVER been in November. And the Monday after Black Friday has always been really good, but only a taste of what is to come in two or three weeks.

    Besides, the article is from 2005 – eons ago in ecommerce!

  • Big_Al says:

    Actually, not “sure” about that. D&^$ computer.

  • But the “Cyber Monday” urban legend refers to today as the internet-wide shopping day. In fact, it’s spread out from retailer to retailer online (the big day varying), and the big days at online retailers might be somewhere between 5% and 20% better than their otherwise biggest days of the year, nothing near the spike experienced on Black Friday by brick-and-mortar retailers.

  • Blanco Nino says:

    according to wikipedia, cyber monday is the start to the pre-christmas online shopping boom. while the actual stats on revenue for this day vary, i think it has more to do with retailers using it as a marketing tool. i’ve already received four or five “cyber monday” emails from various online (and B&M) retailers. cyber monday may not be exactly what the newsies are describing, but it definitely does exist.

  • lb says:

    Yes, Waldo — but maybe no more. This from Al Tompkins, Poynter:

    Cyber Monday Hoax Coming True

    A few years ago, a marketing association gave the name “Cyber Monday” to the Monday after Thanksgiving. The story was that on that day, people rush back to work, get online and start ordering Christmas gifts. But it was just a PR campaign based on no evidence that such a thing happened. Now, e-retailers take Cyber Monday seriously, and it might just be creating a Monday-after effect …

  • Amy says:

    An article at CNN.com

    I think addresses what we are questioning here.


  • That Poynter link definitely seems to sum things up well, lb — thanks for that!

  • Big_Al says:

    Another myth is that Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. It may be the busiest, but it is usually beat out several times each year.

    Marketing – gotta love it!

  • Blanco Nino says:

    yeah, considering the fact that prices are so ridiculously dropped on black friday, one would think that the amt. of money generated isn’t as high as it could be (and def. not #1 in terms of revenue).

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