County Forecasts Assessment Drop

The gravy train is coming to a halt. Jeremy Borden writes in today’s Daily Progress that Albemarle County expects property tax reassessments to be flat next year, or perhaps even down. Assessments climbed sharply in 2003, 2005, and 2007, but that’s over now. Since inflation naturally increases the cost of goods and services purchased by the county, this leaves the county needing to cut expenses, a task it hasn’t faced in quite some time. And with the approval of two enormous new subdivisions, our costs are only going to be climbing. All of this just in time for the new Democratic majority to be left holding the bag.

16 Responses to “County Forecasts Assessment Drop”

  • gman says:

    “All of this just in time for the new Democratic majority to be left holding the bag”….sometimes this site is almost too slanted to read. Let’s blame the Republicans for the housing collapse and inflation and feel bad for the poor democrats who have to sort out the mess. The post could have done without the last sentence.

  • Harry Landers says:

    All of this just in time for the new Democratic majority to be left holding the bag.

    gman, I didn’t read this with any sense of blame being assessed. Although you suggest some blame being directed towards Republicans for the drop in assessments, I can’t find it in the post.

    Make no mistake, though, that it will be the task of the current board to deal with the situation. As an Albemarle County taxpayer, I look forward to seeing my deceased assessment.

  • Jim Duncan says:

    Harry –

    I’ll bet you a nickel that while we’ll see decreased assessments (rightfully) we’ll also see a commensurate increase in the tax rate.

  • Perlogik says:

    As an Albemarle County taxpayer, I look forward to seeing my deceased assessment.

    Yes and if that happens, I guarantee your tax rate will go up. There is NO chance that the current board won’t increase your taxes. If the current board had not lowered the tax rate you would still have an increase next year.

    The county has seen taxes increase a rate well in advance of inflation for over a decade. And the amount of money Albemarle transfers to the city has made Charlottesville addicted to this revenue. This new budget will let the new majority show leadership or shrug their shoulders and say “our hands are tied”…”we must raise the tax rate…a lot”.

    I think the last line does portray a bias just not one that blames the previous republicans. It does imply that something has gone wrong not that a natural economic cycle has occurred.

  • Mike W. says:

    Yup, they are NOT going to do without our money. My property taxes have DOUBLED (the amount I actually PAY, not the assessment) since I purchased my home. Where does all the money go? They still bitch and whine that they can’t afford anything for anyone.

    They will raise the rate to make up for the “shortfall”.

    Thieves. Someone is burning though our money with no regard to what it’s being spent on. Of course, that problem doesn’t end here – it goes all the way to Washington.

  • Why would I blame Republicans for the drop in assessments? Wouldn’t credit be the thing to give, if anything? Nobody likes having their assessments go up and, to the extent to which it results in un-voted-for tax increases, I don’t like ’em, either, and I’m yet to pay a nickel in property taxes to Albemarle County.

    No, the statement was made giving neither blame (which would be bizarre and nonsensical) not credit to Republicans. I can’t see that it’s anybody’s fault — it’s a crappy housing market nationwide. It’s simply a declaration that Democrats will have the majority on the board simultaneous with a significant drop in revenue. That’s a co-incidence that shouldn’t go unnoted.

  • Falstaff says:

    Haven’t Democrats had a 4-2 majority the last few years anyway (it’s 5-1 now), or are you ignoring the “D” by Lindsay Dorrier’s name (which I guess I wouldn’t blame you for)?

  • Perlogik says:

    Again I don’t think Waldo’s being biased. However, “holding the bag” means “To have the blame or responsibility thrust upon you”.
    I believe he meant the former and I think that Gman believes he meant the latter.

    For the official score keepers Albemarle BOS
    Slutsky-D Thomas-I Boyd-R
    Mallek-D Rooker-I

    Ther I’s are basically D’s and Dorrier is an old school D

    The thing to watch is the tension between Rooker and Slutsky, who ever gets the ear of Mallek made be able to call the tune.

  • Dave says:

    Democrats have ruled the BoS roost for numerous years. You have taken credit for the good times… be adults and hold your self accountable for the bad times.

  • Democrats have ruled the BoS roost for numerous years.

    This demonstrates nothing more than a lack of understanding of what a party label means. While Dorrier is free to call himself a Democrat, his voting record is little different than the Republican members of the board. This week’s Hook even quoted a county Republican official saying of Dorrier that “if he wasn’t a Democrat, we would have endorsed him.” A party label only matters insofar as it is an indicator whether its constituents vote as a bloc on partisan issues. Dorrier does not and, thus, Democrats certain cannot be said to have “ruled the BoS roost.” Democrats are in charge beginning in January, and that’s the point at which it’s fair to look at the acts of the BoS as indicative of the will of its Democratic majority.

  • ScottsvilleResident says:

    And with the approval of two enormous new subdivisions, our costs are only going to be climbing.

    I’ll betcha that the developers are really loving the proffer deals they made now.

    This week’s Hook even quoted a county Republican official saying of Dorrier that “if he wasn’t a Democrat, we would have endorsed him.”

    The people handing out the Republican Party “Voter guides” at polling places in the Scottsville district had “Dorrier” marked as the candidate to vote for alongside every other Republican name in the other district races. If that isn’t an endorsement then I don’t know what is.

  • Rural Dem says:

    I would be careful about equating Dorrier with Rs. Just because he voted with the Rs on the growth issues doesn’t mean he is an R. Did he not vote against the tax cut?

    I do not think that these growth issues are anyway a litmus test for being a Democrat . . . there are many many issues that one can be a Democrat . . . and would it not be easyier for Dorrier to simply switch sides, it is Scottesville after all?

    Big, Big Democratic supporters gave to Wyant in the last cycle, big, big Rs voted or Ann in the last cycle.

    I would also warn all the “anit-growthers” or what ever label we would like to use, not to take too much from Ann’s victory . . . you will notice that a very large part, if not just as much in the latter months of her campaign, a large part of her message was focused on a more open and accountable County government; I think we can also credit the simple desire for change that is sweeping the nation . . . women candidates, I think, also benefit for that momentum . . . of course Marsha didn’t benefit, but she did run a pretty awful campaign, hated being a candidate and still almost beat Boyd.

  • CrozetResident says:

    Rural Dem,
    As for Ann’s focus on a more open and accountable County government I believe this was a clear message to Crozet Residents, that unlike Wyant, she would take our concerns seriously. This includes a master plan that was developed by the community and not one invented by County Staff.

  • Rural Dem says:

    I would hope that it was a message to all county residents. The county government has been a black box to most folks. Arbitrary to deal with, and sometimes hostile. I believe that this accounts for some of the backlash to the proposed zoning changes over the last couple of years. People feel put on by their experiences with the county government, and then the county comes along and proposes stricter zoning without compensation or clear explanation.

  • Joe says:

    The new board will gridlock frequently as growth area residents slowly wake up to the divergence of their interests from their rural neighbors. Slutzky will be the new fulcrum.

  • CrozetResident says:

    I disagree with regard to Slutzky. He has been fourth vote for almost every development to come down the pike along with boyd, dorrier and wyant. He has stated that he will vote for development irregardless of whether there was available infrastructure or not. For growth area residents he has been the ultimate stealth candidate. With this in mind one wonders if Ann will be one to vote to make a 3 – 3 tie for new development and therefore a defeat of the proposal.

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