Strom’s Pedophilia Charges Dropped

White supremacist, pedophile, and wife-beater (the trifecta) Kevin Strom has had two charges dropped against him, Rob Seal reports in the Progress. It turns out that it’s totally legal for a grown man to obsess over a ten-year-old girl, send her gifts and love letters, suggest marriage, and cruise by her house. It’s also totally legal for him to beat and threaten his wife after she reports him to the police — that’s not, in fact, intimidating a witness. There do, however, remain the child pornography charges on which he was arrested in January. I’d bet cash that he’ll spend more time in prison for just looking at child porn than somebody who’d actually had sex with a kid. (And probably as much as somebody who sent sexual IMs to a kid.)

But you’ve got to love this part of the story, about Strom’s wife walking in on him:

“She caught him masturbating, but I’m sure that he was not the only one in the county doing that,” [Judge Norman] Moon said in court. “And it’s not a crime, so far.”

I don’t know what’s more awesome — Judge Moon declaring that, or Rob Seal including it in the story.

8 Responses to “Strom’s Pedophilia Charges Dropped”

  • van says:

    “She caught him masturbating, but I’m sure that he was not the only one in the county doing that,” [Judge Norman]

    I`m puzzled as to whether Judge Norman meant at that particular moment or in general.

  • @van: It’s an excellent question for the statisticians. I suppose it would vary by day of week and time of day.

  • Chad Day says:

    How about the bank robber for got over 11 years?

    Botched bank robbery = more than a decade in prison
    Giving kids alcohol at a supervised party = 27 months
    Molesting children = 21 months


  • Couey Deja Vu says:

    Can we avoid the Christmas rush and give him the spike now? We don’t need another Jessica Lunsford tragedy.

  • Jan says:

    wtf indeed. Boggles the mind.

  • Cecil(2) says:

    If I’m the mother of the girl (now 12, i think) he’s been obsessed with, I’m REALLY anxious right now. They testified in court against him. Evidently, nothing will be done to address the clear fact that he’s got serious mental problems and a sexual fixation on this child.

  • Lonnie says:

    What about bringing stalking charges? Or, the least they could do is get a restraining order (if that’s not already been done). I do have to wonder though why the judge is just feeling so lenient… I wonder what one would find if they took a peek at his computer…

  • TrvlnMn says:

    Does Virginia have an Anti-Stalking law? If yes why wasn’t that used?

    It turns out that it’s totally legal for a grown man to obsess over a ten-year-old girl, send her gifts and love letters, suggest marriage, and cruise by her house.

    Stalking sounds like the above described offense.

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