Five Apply for Interim School Board Appointment

Five people have applied for an interim appointment to the school board, Matt Deegan reports in the Progress, a number one greater than the people who have filed to run for the four open seats. One of those applicant is Grant Brownrigg, who is simultaneously seeking election to the school board. That maneuver is not prohibited, but the five and a half month head start would seem to give an unfair advantage to an applicant who is also a candidate. Of the other four candidates, two (Susan Lewis and Charles Kollmansperger) have said they’re not interesting in running, and the other two (former board members Byron Brown and Muriel Wiggins) couldn’t be reached by the paper.

2 Responses to “Five Apply for Interim School Board Appointment”

  • Karl Ackerman says:

    Any way you sort this, the choice has to be Byron Brown. Byron knows the job, and he will be a collegial presence during the very short tenure of this job. I supported Charlie K and Sue Lewis is the last School Board election, but this job isn’t for either of them. It’s for someone who has been there, done that. I strongly support Grant Brownrigg this time around, but I’d prefer he join the Board after the election in November.

    As for Muriel Wiggins, the less said the better. Muriel gets a “U” on “Works Well With Others”–not the grade you need as a School Board member. She was one of only two Board members (Bill Igbane, the other) who refused to accept the resignation of Scottie Griffin. The payout deal had already been brokered, and Muriel couldn’t get with the wishes of the Board–and the school community. That says it all.

    Gotta be Byron, can’t be Muriel.

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