Brownrigg Announces for School Board

Charlottesville resident Grant Brownrigg has declared his candidacy for the school board, Matt Deegan reports for the Progress. Brownrigg is the creator of the Grantland business comic, has served on the school board’s discipline task force, and has three kids in city schools. He and Alvin Edwards are the two candidates to declare thus far, leaving the board two candidates short of the four required to fill the open seats. The filing deadline is June 12.

7 Responses to “Brownrigg Announces for School Board”

  • […] late with the posting — I’ve promised to be open, not necessarily timely — but yesterday Grant Brownrigg announced his candidacy for Charlottesville School Board. That makes a grand total of … one, since Alvin Edwards has […]

  • Karl Ackerman says:

    I served with Grant on the disciplinary task force. He is easy-going, smart, funny, mature, clear thinking–a very good writer with a business background. On that committee, Grant received a lot of information about the challenges to the division. I’m sure he will make a great School Board member. Thanks for offering to take on this very important job, Grant.

  • C says:

    Paul Wiley, a 2006 CHS grad and current UVA student has also begun to collect signatures for a school board run.

  • Karl Ackerman says:

    Paul–where will you be so that we can sign your petition? Thanks for running. The voice of someone who just graduated from CHS would be great to have on the Board.

    Anyone else out there considering a School Board run? There are 4 slots open this November…

  • dirtmagnet says:

    Why aren’t you running?

  • doughhead says:

    Karl,I agree with dirtmagnet. You are often one with ideas on how things should go, and have served on boards in the past. This is your chance to work for change.

  • Karl Ackerman says:

    I just heard that Kathy Galvin is running. Please look to sign her petition and support her 100% in the fall election. Kathy will arrive on the CC School Board as one of the most knowledgeable board members we’ve had in my day.

    Couple of reason why I am not running: my daughters are going into 10th & 7th grade. The parenthood clock is ticking loudly. Thursday nights (and Saturdays, and all the other days of the week…) I want to be out on the soccer field coaching or watching, or doing whatever it is they will do with me these days.

    Also (and this may be more important vis a vis the schools), I think I’m still viewed as a polarizing figure as a result of my efforts during the Dede Smith/Scottie Griffin Year of Pain. Year Two of the Rosa Atkins administration will see at least four new principals (the jobs at Buford, Walker, Greenbrier, and Johnson are posted)–those who watch the schools carefully are expecting further changes that are long overdue in the city schools. I intend to be an advocate for those changes. (A reduction in the size of Central Office, improvement in discipline at Buford and CHS, a MUCH better alternative school program, instructional leadership to address the particular needs of CHS students who do not read and perform math on grade level…)

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, doughhead and dirtmagnet!

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