Kleeman to Seek Independent Council Seat

There’s a new candidate for City Council: Peter Kleeman intends to run for City Council as an independent, Charlottesville Tomorrow reports. Kleeman, a Democrat, unsuccessfully sought the party’s nomination for Council in 2000. He’s a transportation planning consultant, downtown resident, ardent environmentalist and, by way of disclaimer, a good friend. He’s in the process of collecting the required 125 signatures from registered Charlottesville voters, in order to get his name on the ballot. Though many Republicans won’t see this particular independent candidate as providing any real choice come the November elections, the fact is that a) he’s running and they’re not and b) he’s a Democrat, but he’s hardly of Charlottesville Democrats.

The effect that his entry will have on the election, particularly if a credible Republican ends up running, will be mighty interesting to watch.

7 Responses to “Kleeman to Seek Independent Council Seat”

  • Perlogik says:

    It would truly be historic if an independent could win a seat.

  • The best thing about Peter doing this is that it extends the election past the June convention to November. Without somebody running outside of the Democratic umbrella, there’s no need to ever hold a debate, a public forum, or for the Democratic candidates to be in any way accountable to the public.

  • Perlogik says:

    Democrats accountable in the city????? Waldo you’ve had way too much cough syrup.

  • Karl Ackerman says:

    Peter, where will you be so that we can sign your petition? I think we need an independent MORE than we need a Republican on City Council

  • Kevin Cox says:

    I have a copy of Peter’s petition. Shall I bring it to the meeting Thursday for you to sign?

  • Karl Ackerman says:


  • Elizabeth says:

    Saw Peter on the mall today — and he had a petition with him. One more signature to the good.

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