Spivey Committed

CHS choral director Jonathan Spivey, indicted for child sexual abuse last Friday, has been committed to the psychiatric ward at Martha Jefferson, Lisa Ferrari reports for CBS 19. Given that his attorney says that “Spivey’s diagnosis will be crucial to his defense,” this seems like a precursor to a plea of guilty by reason of insanity. Commonwealth’s Attorney Dave Chapman, having checked into this, describes it only as “a legitimate medical condition.” Spivey was due in court today for his first appearance, but he didn’t show, because of his commitment. The court appearance will be rescheduled upon his release.

Also, WINA reports this evening that he has resigned his job effective December 21.

8 Responses to “Spivey Committed”

  • TrvlnMn says:

    NBC29 is reporting it as UVA Medical Center.

    The CHS teacher is in a hospital bed instead of a courtroom. Attorneys tell NBC29 he’s at the University of Virginia Medical Center, receiving psychiatric care.

    And (as of this posting) the newsplex link is dead.

  • The CBS 19 link works now, and they continue to report it as Martha
    Jefferson. That said, I didn’t think that Martha Jefferson even had psychiatric care.

    Eh, I’ll wait for informed people to work it out and fix it then. I’m not sure anybody’s waiting up to find out which hospital the man is in. ;)

  • TrvlnMn says:

    I’m not sure anybody’s waiting up to find out which hospital the man is in. ;)

    True enough.

  • proctologistview says:

    TrvlnMn Says:

    I’m not sure anybody’s waiting up to find out which hospital the man is in. ;)—

    If I were one of the parents I believeI would be very interested in which hospital he is in.

  • fdr says:

    For whatever it’s worth, I believe Martha Jefferson has had limited inpatient psych beds since sometime in the mid-90s, whenever Blue Ridge finally shut down completely. Rucker 3 is the MJH unit; 5 East is UVA’s.

  • iknowcville says:

    fdr is correct, Rucker 3 has been leased to UVA to handle overflow from 5 East, it is staffed and maintained by UVA and the people in there are considered UVA patients. The DP said that there were at least a dozen supporters for Spivey in court yesterday. There were far more than a dozen, I would put the number at 50 or so.

  • If I were one of the parents I believeI would be very interested in which hospital he is in.

    Well, you’d need to wait, then. Unless you want to start visiting hospitals and share the news with the rest of us. :)

  • cville_libertarian says:

    Hmmm…but he was performing over the past weekend? How convenient.

    I did see Dave Chapman on the NBC 29 segment – he seemed convinced it was legit. Wow..the urge to speculate is just nearly overpowering.

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