VDOT Meets with Free Union Residents About Closure

I attended a meeting in my hometown of Free Union on Friday night (disclosure: it was organized by my mother) held to give the Virginia Department of Transportation a chance to justify their interest in shutting down the road maintenance facility that has been there for decades, serving most of the areas within about a 20 minute drive of Free Union, including White Hall, Crozet, and Earlysville. The plan is to have the work done — including snow and ice clearing — by facilities in Boyd Tavern, Yancey Mills and Stanardsville. Which is totally crazy — it’ll take them ages to get to Free Union. VDOT had previously held a meeting about this…in Culpeper, on a Friday night, at 5pm. (With the plans “on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard.”) Great for the unemployed, not so good for us mortals.

Well, it was a hell of a meeting. A couple of hundred people showed up, packed into the little church basement where my tiny Boy Scout troop used to meet, and they brought torches and pitchforks, metaphorically speaking. VDOT was given 25 minutes to present their side, and a few folks from Free Union were given 15 minutes for their side, and then there was a planned Q&A period. (VDOT was given more time because they’d asked for it beforehand.) After 40 minutes they were still yammering on about absolutely nothing with hardly a mention of Free Union or even Albemarle County — it was like they were trying to run down the clock. Eventually they were cut off, and the advocates for Free Union said their piece. Then came the Q&A period, during which, bizarrely, the VDOT officials declared that they would not be answering any questions.

The recurring question — I asked it, too — was why VDOT will not simply provide us with their research that demonstrates that the service will remain at the same level that it is now. It should be very simple for them: just give us the maps or the charts or the graphs or whatever that came of their research. They had refused to do so, but one of the VDOT representatives finally said that he would be happy to provide all of the data that they have, and that he would send it on Monday. We’ll see.

There were a couple of revealing moments. The first was when one representative declared of this proposed change to road maintenance, against all logic: “This is not a science. This is not a science. It is an art.” Of course it’s a science. If they’re treating this as an art, that’s the problem right there. The second was when the same fellow admitted, in his one and only moment of candor, that the quality of service would decline.

The only impressive bit was when one of the VDOT representatives — the lone woman — sought to soothe the crowd at the end, and did so rather well. She explained the truth of the matter: roads are hugely, hugely underfunded in Virginia. VDOT hasn’t had an increase in funding in over twenty years, but the cost of asphalt has increased by a third in the past couple of years alone. So unless we’re willing to pay more for our roads, the quality of service will keep getting worse. Building roads is like having babies: yeah, there’s an up-front cost, but it’s the years of maintenance that’ll get you. The difference is that babies generally grow up and move out of the house. Did you ever hear of a road being closed down for lack of use? Of course not — they only get wider and more used over time, and that costs money. In fact, the cost of maintenance alone will use up the entirety of the state’s road budget come 2018 — no more road construction. But we’re not going to stop construction, so maintenance will start to suffer, and that begins now, in Free Union.

But this isn’t just Free Union — VDOT is doing this all over the state. They’re reducing the number of maintenance facilities in order to save money and, by their own admission, service will get worse. The only way that can be prevented is by our representatives getting the nerve to raise the money to pay for roads, which is one of the most basic services that government needs to provide. Del. David Toscano and Sen. Creigh Deeds have a solid track record there: it’s Del. Rob Bell, Del. Bill Janis, Del. Watkins Abbitt and Sen. Emmett Hanger who have got to muster up a little courage to do what needs doing. They like to go before the voters and brag that they’ve never voted for a tax increase, but when the plows don’t come, we’ll all remember that it’s their fault. And we citizens of Albemarle have got to talk to our representatives and tell them that we’re willing to pay to have our roads cleared, our ditches dug and our streets regraveled. Oh, and VDOT plans to make their decision about this plan on December 15, so you’d better get moving if you want to stop it.

Jeremy Borden had an article about the event in yesterday’s Progress, and I understand that the paper has an editorial about it today.

I recorded the whole thing on my little memo recorder, mostly so I could have some good notes, but the audio turned out to be good enough to share. Sean Tubbs has podcast the audio on Charlottesville Podcasting Network. The sound quality isn’t great; particularly embarrassing are the bits where you can hear me talking quietly to the folks sitting on either side of me. But you’ll hear some excellent points being made by many audience members about how illogical that this proposal is and how important that it is that we maintain the current level of service.

13 Responses to “VDOT Meets with Free Union Residents About Closure”

  • Jeannine says:

    Those science/art comments are laughable. The precision of the plowing on the Mass Pike (the major artery where I lived before moving here) must be highly orchestrated. I’m sure they have stats about how many passes are made in an hour, how many accidents occur under different conditions, how many trucks are needed when it’s snowing an inch and hour vs. three inches an hour, etc.

    How often has the idea of having tolls come up around here? The lack of tolls in Virginia has struck me over the last year. Aside from the Dulles Toll Road, I don’t think I’ve seen toll booths in this state.

    I’m not advocating that we go the way of Massachusetts or New Jersey (my home states, where tolls are as prevalent as pot holes), but both have fairly well maintained roads. Of course, the DOTs in those states probably haven’t gone 20 years without a budget increase.

  • Ryan says:

    The sad (and likely) truth is that “This is not a science. It is an art.” is bureau-speak for

    “we don’t have data to support this – our bosses already made the decision based on funding. We drew the short straws and had to come out to this meeting.”

    Like many agencies, I’m sure VDOT does use a highly technical if not scientific methodology for many of the things they do (formulating asphalt mixtures, aiming their solar panels based on latitude, changing the oil in their trucks), unfortunately (at least from what I’ve been able to tell) strategic planning is not driven by such a methodology.

    Sometimes they may think that plotting all their maintenance facilities on a map and crossing out a few constitutes ‘science,’ but at least this time they were honest enough to admit that it isn’t. On the other hand, I wouldn’t call it art either, but I’m sure state regulations prevent them from calling it BS in public.

  • Isn’t FU out in the backwoods somewhere? Buy a mule and ride around the hills.

  • Raman, if you can’t contribute without being rude, please don’t do so at all.

  • Big_Al says:

    If this means that Earlysville will have to wait for plowing, what does that mean for the Earlysville Volunteer Fire Department? I would think/hope that giving them access to safe roads would be a priority. I doubt the guys coming from Stanardsville would put Rea’s Ford Rd. high on their list.

  • cvillenewser says:

    Jeannine, there are tolls in Richmond.

  • Jeannine says:

    Jeannine, there are tolls in Richmond.

    You know, right after I wrote my comment, I remembered the ones on 195. That’s still pretty modest for the number of major interstates we have.

  • Sympatico says:

    Gasoline tax, anyone?, duh!

    [oh, I forgot; this is Amerika, where “what’s good for GM is good for the country”]

    [[Hmmm…. I wonder why GM and Ford are looking so bad since, mmm, the Cadillac Eldorado was replaced by the Cimarron. LOL!]]

    [[[Maybe we should invade Venzuela to get us some of that cheap oil. It’s closer than Iraq!]]]

  • Gail says:

    I predict a lot more storm days for Albemarle County Schools in the years ahead when it takes forever to clear the rural roads in parts of the county- it already seems like forever to those of us who come from northern places that have lots of snow clearing equipment.

  • Cecil(2) says:

    We Americans want everything for nothing–we want driveable roads that go to all the places we want to drive to, and we want them well-maintained, but we don’t seem to want to pay for them–no new taxes, read my lips, down with the car tax, etc. It’s kind of like dealing with children.

  • UVA08 says:

    Any strong challengers out there that can really stick this issue to Rob Bell? The people who would benefit most from transportation funding in our area are in his district. We need someone who can tie that sometimes 45 minute commute from Charlottesville to Greene to Bell’s inaction on transportation. The same can be said about the sometimes cumbersome road home to Fluvanna, Louisa, Orange, and Northern Albemarle. Instead of standing up and doing what’s right for his constituents he would rather go along with the fear mongering political rhetoric of raising taxes to ensure electoral victories for himself and his colleagues. This whole issue of a tax increase has never been about concern for constituents pockets, its been about politics. Bell and others like him should be ashamed. I doubt this tax increase will have much of an impact on the average workers pay check. They know it but they also know that the average voter doesnt and that the phrase “tax increase” illicits strong negative feelings regardless of how minimal of an impact it will have on people’s finances on a individual level.

  • It’s my understand that Del. Bell is interesting in taking a contingent of citizens to meet with the governor about this. (Disclosure: I’ve been asked to join them.) Though that’s helpful, it’s not nearly as helpful as actually providing the funding for roads.

    It pisses me off that the road crisis is slated for 2018. Because, come 2018, my peers and I will be running the state. (Not literally us, of course.) And the folks in charge now will be long retired or dead. We know it’s coming. We know that a small course correction now could avert it. But the dopes that comprise the majority of the Republican caucus in the House either don’t know or don’t care. I suspect it’s the latter.

  • UVA08 says:

    I suspect they do know and they do care. It’s just that they care more about political power than doing the right thing for the people.

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