Film Fest Starts Today

Remember, kids: four days of movies and related events kick off today for the 19th annual Virginia Film Festival. You can still pick up tickets at the downtown Regal between the hours of 11am and 4pm; good luck getting any if you’re gainfully employed. Check out the schedule to pick a few out.

At Mayor Brown’s suggestion I got tickets to “A Flock of Dodos”, and I’m also going to “Tenacious D,” “Life of Brian,” “The Dark Crystal,” and Jeff Wadlow’s Adrenaline Film Project. Are you hitting up anything good?

6 Responses to “Film Fest Starts Today”

  • TLPatten says:

    Heck, yeah! Shameless plug coming right up!

    I’m sponsoring the Virginia premiere of Nobelity. The critically-acclaimed documentary follows Turk Pipkin’s interviews with 9 Nobel laureates as he searches for solutions to the world’s most pervasive problems.

    I’ve invited The Sierra Club, CCP&J, Compass Day Shelter, and PACE to table at the showings, to talk with attendees who would like to address the problems locally.

    The movie is playing at Gravity Lounge on Friday & Saturday, 2 pm each day. $10 adults/$8 kids. (Sorry for the expense — those prices were in my contract with the distributor. But the proceeds will benefit Earth Week.)

    Hope you can squeeze it into your whirlwind Film Fest tour, Waldo!

  • finnegan says:

    I’ll be there for the whole thing. Anyone know if the Seventh Seal is a film print or just a video projection? Also, does anyone know if any of the events are currently sold out?

    P.S. This Firefox 2.0 spell checker is great!

  • I should put up a Firefox ad. It’s ridiculous that the majority of readers continue to use Internet Explorer.

  • Jim Duncan says:

    But would the IE users know what to do with it? (IE7’s not that bad, though)

    The Firefox users might never even see the ad because 1) they only view the site via RSS or 2) they have ad-blocking enabled.

    Just curious -what % of readers read via your feed?

  • The Firefox users might never even see the ad because 1) they only view the site via RSS or 2) they have ad-blocking enabled.

    I would only show it to people using IE. I do the same thing on — IE users get a Firefox ad, but nobody else sees it.

    Just curious -what % of readers read via your feed?

    It’s hard to tell — I’m not aware of any particularly reliable methods of teasing out those numbers — but it looks like about half. That’s a pretty enormous percentage, but I think that just indicates that the site has a technically-savvy audience.

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