City Website Voted Best in the Country

Writes Sean:

See the press release. Appropriately, I found out about this because I signed up for City-related press releases after visiting the new and improved website shortly after it launched.

The award is the City-County Communications and Marketing Association’s Savvy Awards in the website subcategory of the communications technology category, for cities of our size. The website for the award is, ironically enough, horrible. Given that the new Charlottesville website launched after the deadline for submissions, I assume that the old Charlottesville website won. Nevermind — the press release specifically says it’s for the new website.

3 Responses to “City Website Voted Best in the Country”

  • TrvlnMn says:

    Given that the new Charlottesville website launched after the deadline for submissions, I assume that the old Charlottesville website won.

    I’m willing to go with your assessment (that the old website won). However that would mean that once again Charlottesville officials are full of inconsistancies (imagine that). They are (via their press release) claiming the win is for their new website.

    For the second time in a month the City of Charlottesville was honored for its new website by a national organization.

    City government is entirely too self congratulatory lately.

  • I hadn’t seen where they called up that it’s the new website — thanks for pointing that out. I’ve corrected accordingly.

  • proctologistview says:

    TVLNMAN SAID:”City government is entirely too self congratulatory lately.”

    That last adverb “I coud have done without”

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