Friends War Memorial

Charlottesville Friends have established a memorial to the 80 Virginians who have died in President Bush’s war in Iraq, Bryan McKenzie wrote in yesterday’s Daily Progress. They’ll display eighty pairs of combat boots to provide a sense of scale of the loss. The family of every soldier was contacted to obtain their blessing. There will be no signs or chanting — just the boots. It will be on display at the County Office Building on Friday, at the First Amendment chalkboard on Saturday and at Brown College on Sunday.

3 Responses to “Friends War Memorial”

  • Disclaimer: My father organized this memorial.

    I feel so stupid putting disclaimers on stories. Disclaimer: I used to rent from Gabe Silverman and we’re friends. Disclaimer: My wife managed Rich Collins’ campaign. Disclaimer: I had my MMR shot. Disclaimer: Some of my best friends are robot ninjas. It’s a small town. We’re all up in everybody else’s business. Eventually it sounds more like bragging than anything else.

    Anyhow, there’s my disclaimer.

  • Just a couple of corrections…

    The exhibit will be outside the Albemarle County Office Building from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Friday. It will be at the First Amendment Chalkboard on the Downtown Maill from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday. It will be at Brown College from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm on Sunday.

    I had a very minor role in organizing this event. It’s happening due to the organization and contributions of about 100 people, including Quakers, military veterans and the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice.

    Also, it’s important that, in addition to the combat boots, the exhibit will include 50 pairs of civilian shoes, representing civilians who have died in Iraq. Quakers mourn the loss of all lives.

  • I’ve corrected those dates to reflect your comment, rather than the article.

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