Spivey Accused of Improper Sexual Contact

Well-known and well-liked CHS choral director Jonathan Spivey has been accused of improper sexual contact with a student, Lisa Ferrari reports for CBS 19. The accusation was reported to the school by the student, and then reported to police. The police searched the school for evidence a week ago, and he has not reported to work all week, presumably indicating a suspension during the investigation. Spivey also serves as minister of music at Mount Zion Baptist Church. No further details have been made public.

9 Responses to “Spivey Accused of Improper Sexual Contact”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    well, i guess his life is over in CVille, innocent or not.

  • cvillenewser says:

    yep…guilty until proven innocent.

  • abstractme says:

    Just trying to determine the difference between gossip and news. Does having a TV reporter mention it make it ‘news’? Does having a teen involved make it ‘news’? Has there been a police arrest to make it news? Will a possible finding of innocence make the news?

  • perlogik says:

    It is the same as when someone is called a racist without proof.
    It is nearly impossible to unring that bell.
    If you’re innocent and keep your job people will call it a coverup.
    If you don’t didn’t do anything it might be easier to resign and move and try and start over, though in the modern day I think that is impossible that this news would not follow you.

  • cville_libertarian says:

    Well, as a one-time cow-orker, I am kinda surprised. I’m not surprised at allegations of homosexuality – but orientation isn’t a crime (yet) – but I am very surprised at the allegation of improper behavior with a student. Spivey has been there for a long time, and it seems odd it would take this long for something to come out.

    The subpoena business does seem to make it news, but who put this information in front of the press? If a minor is involved, it seems like the courts wouldn’t be advertising the subpoenas. The school system would be handling that sort of thing as discreetly as possible. So, who decided to clue the press in? I mean, it’s not like the police presence at CHS would be any kind of news (I mean, there are Resource Officers all over the place there, and officers who are investigating various students).

    I think everyone is right about the smear though – almost no matter how it comes out, there will be a stain on his reputation. Mr. Spivey used to enjoy very strong support in the community, and is very active in a positive way; I have to believe he would continue to, if the allegations were unproven. For crying out loud: look how Scottie Griffin was supported, and she wasn’t part of the C’ville community for even a whole year. I really hope he continues to enjoy that kind of support, if these allegations are unproven – he has been a positive force in the school and in the community.


  • jconley says:

    I don’t actually have any feedback on the story, but I did want to chime in that the “Charlottesville Newsplex” is quite possibly the dumbest naming/marketing campaign I have ever seen.

    Thats all

  • Jack says:

    c-ville libertarian,

    The only support that I ever saw for Scottie Griffin was from Rick Turner.

  • cville_libertarian says:

    Well, Rick Turner certainly stirred things up. But he was able to rally a lot of people, so it’s not like he was alone. Dede Smith certianly fought for Scottie too. We’re all better off with M. Rick’s newfound silence.

  • concerned says:

    I have been concerned about Mr. Spivey for YEARS..these allegations come as no surprise to me. I believe every word of it..yes he is a good person, but he has had a lot of udercover things going on. I knew it was only a matter of time before it all came out…it may have took years, but better late than never.

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