Meyerhoff’s Local Connections

28-year-old Jack Meyerhoff lived in Charlottesville for a time, attending PVCC, when he was arrested for committing acts of ecoterrorism in Oregon with others from the Earth Liberation Front. In this week’s Hook, Lisa Provence looks into Meyerhoff, discovering that he moved here to be with his girlfriend, Lacey Phillabaum, who briefly wrote for C-Ville Weekly and freelanced for The Hook. Meyerhoff has pleaded guilty to 54 counts of arson and conspiracy, which may earn him almost sixteen years in prison.

5 Responses to “Meyerhoff’s Local Connections”

  • Jack says:

    I don’t like the word ‘ecoterrorism.’ The very existence of the word suggests that these acts are in a seperate category of zealotry and evil and are somehow unique compared to any other act of terrorism. Al Queda has their radical, ideological agenda that they are trying to enforce through violence against civilians and so does the Earth Liberation Front. The specifics of the ideology don’t much matter. Jack Meyerhoff is a terrorist, period.

  • I’m annoyed at the usage of the word “ecoterrorism”. I’d like to use it to describe acts of terrorism against the environment, such as intentionally polluting a river that the target population depends upon.

  • Jack says:


    As bad as those things are, that is not terrorism. Terrorism is using physical violence to attack civilian targets for the purpose of instilling fear among a population. Terrorists are very concerned with getting a specific emotional result as a consequence of their actions. When a large corporation dumps something nasty in a river it is really the opposite of terrorism in that they are totally uninterested in the outcome of that action.

  • Rufous says:

    Webster says:
    Pronunciation: ‘ter-&r-“i-z&m
    Function: noun
    : the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

    Pronunciation: “E-kO-‘ter-&r-i-z&m, “e-kO-
    Function: noun
    1 : sabotage intended to hinder activities that are considered damaging to the environment
    2 : political terrorism intended to damage an enemy’s natural environment

    It appears that Webster defines ecoterrorism as a method for protecting the environment through certain types of activities although it may instill fear in the local community it is not its intention.

    Please keep in mind I’m not commenting on the activities themselves, just the definition of the word.

  • Jack, I’m not referring to corporate pollution — I’m talking about intentional environmental destruction (or threats of such destruction) of in order to coerce a certain political outcome.

    I would call that “ecoterrorism”, except the word’s already been defined fairly firmly as something else.

    Maybe “environmental terrorism”?

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