Google Maps Improves Satellite Photos

Y’all fellow geeks out there will appreciate this: Google Maps has considerably improved their satellite photography for Charlottesville and areas north. From just west of town to Keswick, in a rectangle clear north to Stanardsville, it’s possible to zoom in far enough to see individual cars. Thanks to Fred for the tip.

12 Responses to “Google Maps Improves Satellite Photos”

  • wags0427 says:

    OK, there goes another 20 minutes. That site’s downright addictive.

  • krasota says:

    I wonder if these are aerial shots taken from a plane. Indiana’s googlemap/earth files are all plane photography.

  • The pictures look fairly recent. I can see the mud from the RiverBluff development in Woolen Mills.

  • tripodrob says:

    Give the following a try, and let people know what’s in C’ville and surrounding area:

    It’s Wikipedia meets Google Maps.

  • tripodrob says:

    The above link actually takes you to Va. Beach, so either pan around, or just use the menu to search for C’ville.

  • Clever. Too bad it’s not actually using data from Wikipedia. Many entries in Wikipedia are geo-encoded — that would be a clever mashup.

  • colfer says:

    Outside Cville, such as North Garden, Yahoo Maps beta is still better photographically. Inside Cville, Google maps is better. But which one sells out more Chinese dissidents? Yahoo I believe. Well I will try to use it without directing any revenue Yahoo’s way. Wait, I’m advertising it right here!

  • tito says:

    waldo – wikimapia is simply using an API (application program interface) and sourcing the imagery/script to googlemap.

    ya know, cvillenews could have it too, for free….

  • Oh, I’ve got a Google Maps API key — I’ve had much fun with it. I have a few local projects in mind for it that I may finally get around to doing soon.

  • colfer says:

    These are the mapping services USGS links to:

    USGS The National Map
    GNIS in Google Map
    TerraServer DRG USGS Digital Raster Graphic, a digitized version of a topographic map.
    TerraServer DOQ USGS Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle, an aerial photographic image map. Not available for all locations.
    Tiger Map Server U.S. Census Bureau.
    Find the Watershed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

    It sure has changed a lot since the last time I looked. The entry point is here:

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    these maps are always nice especially for terrorists needing a layout of site.

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