Bowers Sues University

Former UVa employee Dena Bowers has sued the school for wrongful termination, Aaron Kessler reports in today’s Daily Progress. Bowers was fired last November for sending a private e-mail containing an NAACP analysis of the charter’s effect on medical center employees; the e-mail was subsequently forwarded by others to all classified staff at the College of Arts & Sciences. The firing was followed by a rally and much concern that this was a case of UVa trying to squelch staff concerns over the school’s change to a charter status. Neither the school nor Bowers will comment on the case.

1 Response to “Bowers Sues University”

  • TrvlnMn says:

    […] concern that this was a case of UVa trying to squelch staff concerns over the school’s change to a charter status.

    That’s exactly what I think it was, UVa trying to silence a potentially damaging critic. Who better than someone in the H.R. department to understand the potential effects of “Charter Reform” on other UVa employees. They (UVa) weren’t happy about her opinion, or her expression of it, and she gave them just enough excuse for them to show her the door. So they did.

    I don’t know very much about the issues or controversy about “Charter Reform” at UVa, but I don’t think that knowlege is needed to spot a political firing.

    Generally speaking, every employer knows when you decide you want to terminate someone, all you need to do is go to the I.T. department and have them prepare documentation against the employee you want to fire. Since no one is perfect, and the rule books are usually loosely worded enough to leave them open for interpretation, at some point the employee you want out will give you the rope you need to hang them.

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