Bodo’s Sold

Bodo's Corner InteriorIt’s the end of an era, kind of: Brian Fox has sold Bodo’s, Dave McNair reports in this week’s Hook. But not to some chain or a developer; he’s passed the torch to a new corporation formed by the managers of each of the three locations. It was twenty years ago that the Fox family founded Bodo’s Emmet St. location, expanding to Preston and, at last, The Corner in the decades since. The 61-year-old Fox says he’s done, and new owners John Kokola, Scott Smith, and Connie Jenson still seem to be absorbing the new direction their lives have taken.

3 Responses to “Bodo’s Sold”

  • Duane Gran says:

    It’s really encouraging to see a business owner who offers right of first sale to employees.

  • Cecil(2) says:

    I don’t know much about Brian Fox, but I’ve always thought it was admirable that he kept his prices low. He could have bumped them up and not lost significant amounts of business—he could have gotten greedy. But he didn’t. Capitalism practiced with some restraint—I like to see that.

    I’ve also always liked the fact that often, when I’m dining in the 29 Bodo’s, the music that’s playing is kind of off-putting—I’ve heard the Pogues in there, Lou Reed, Neil Young (the loud, angry Neil Young, not the Sugar Mountain one), and the Rolling Stones. It’s never Muzak or something easy on the ears. I like that because (a) it’s what I like to listen to anyways, and (b) I like the idea that they don’t care that much about sucking up to the musical taste of the masses!

    And I LOVE the fact that you can’t get your bagel toasted there…

  • cville_libertarian says:

    Holy Cow! Well, I’m not shocked about the employee ownership – Fox certainly always understood he was better off paying higher-than-fast-food wages for quality employees. It’s very hard to believe it’s been 20 years…I do remember going to the “new place” in town in the late 80s, and it still seems new…even after the decade long wait for the corner location. Wonder how long he’d been thinking of selling – this seems to come right on the heels of resolving a number of issues tied up by the long fight.

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