Monthly Archive for May, 2006

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Election Coverage

There is, of course, some coverage of last night’s election. In the Progress, John Yellig reviews the results of the Council race, while Bob Gibson looks at the School Board race. Gibson points out that all of the winners — Michie, Puryear, and Wade — are Democrats, making last night a sweep for the city’s majority party. And election official and local Republican Rick Sincere has photos of the day, a list of write-ins (which includes at least four cvillenewsers) , and his analysis of the numbers.

Norris, Taliaferro Win

The results are in: Republican Rob Schilling has been tossed off City Council, while Democrats Dave Norris and Julian Taliaferro have won election. They won decisively in every precinct in the city. There was no major issue in the race, and it came down to a battle of personalities.

On the School Board, Ned Michie, Leah Puryear and Juandigo Wade won in this first-ever School Board election for the city. The School Board race was an awkward one, with few voters seeming to be familiar with the candidates or issues in the race. It may take a few election cycles for us to work the process out.

9pm Update: I’ve got some graphs of the results up on my blog. Schilling didn’t even come vaguely close to winning any precincts. Perhaps this will put an end to talk of a ward system being the key to Republican victories in Council races. I suggest a less-exciting tactic: running better candidates.

Vote Today

Remember, kids—today’s the Charlottesville election. You’ll be voting for three School Board members and two City Council members. The polls are open until 7pm, so get on it.

Progress on Charlottesville Tomorrow

In today’s Daily Progress, Jessica Kitchin looks at the impact that the Charlottesville Tomorrow website has had in its seven month existence. There are very few local websites (I could stop this sentence right here) that have any real impact off-line, but Charlottesville Tomorrow has got to be the best at this.
