Election Coverage

There is, of course, some coverage of last night’s election. In the Progress, John Yellig reviews the results of the Council race, while Bob Gibson looks at the School Board race. Gibson points out that all of the winners — Michie, Puryear, and Wade — are Democrats, making last night a sweep for the city’s majority party. And election official and local Republican Rick Sincere has photos of the day, a list of write-ins (which includes at least four cvillenewsers) , and his analysis of the numbers.

3 Responses to “Election Coverage”

  • ThatGrrl says:

    Congrats on your write-in vote, Waldo!

    I’d only echo the sentiments of many, with regard to Schilling’s loss: a shame that the local Republicans couldn’t find an option more acceptable to mainstream voters; a bigger shame that we now have a single party council in C-ville. Whomever holds the majority, I don’t care which party, benefits from the voice of the minority being a regular presence among them.

  • Amen. Monocultures are bad in all applications, whether crops, computing, or politics. Democrats are no more obliged to tie one arm behind their backs than Republicans are on a national level, but I do have to wonder what can be done to attract reasonable Republicans to run. Moving the elections to November is a step in the right direction, and I think that moving to Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) would also be helpful. Attracting good candidates (and overhauling the party) will take an investment of time, money and effort on the part of the RPV, something that I don’t think will happen anytime soon.

  • Instant Runoff Voting is a policy that I support as well. It benefits Republicans, Independents, and Libertarians by making their voice count. Rather than a protest vote, they still have a say even if their candidate loses. It also benefits Democrats by protecting against defections to independent candidates. I suspect this was a major factor in Schilling’s original victory, when Stratton Salidis ran as an independent. And it encourages a wide diversity of candidates, allowing people more choice and, hopefully, better government.

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