Meadowcreek Parkway Interchange Options

Charlottesville Tomorrow points out that the 250 Interchange Steering Committee has just met for the fourth time as they work on figuring out how the 250 / Meadowcreek Parkway intersection will look. They’ve got thirteen designs to choose from, ranging from a straightforward stoplight-based intersection all the way up to a pair of roundabouts, and there’s even a whole website about the project where you can find out more. Think you know how the interchange should work? Tell them.

3 Responses to “Meadowcreek Parkway Interchange Options”

  • Pete says:

    Simply putting in a full stoplight at that intersection would be a disaster. The whole (dubious, IMO) point of that road is to improve traffic flow in Charlottesville. Putting in a 4-way stoplight would immediately make things worse than they are now.

  • The option of just extending McIntire Rd into the future Meadowcreek Parkway, at-grade with the existing traffic light, is referred to by the committee as the “No Build – Signalized Intersection option” (i.e. no new grade-separated interchange would be built). The committee sees their charge as recommending a design for the grade-separated interchange, but they have asked that a no-build option be on the table so the public can see the alternative.
    Brian Wheeler, Charlottesville Tomorrow

  • UVA08 says:

    Whatever they build needs to be a lot better than the interchange at Park/ 250 and it appears from the photos that it should be. That interchange is terrible at peak hours and traffic from that area typically backs up to Melbourne and sometimes back to Stonehenge/ Village Square. Another improvement to this corridor should be widening Ridge so its 4 lanes from Rio (via the parkway) all the way down 5th St.

    Although I think it may be asking a bit much, I still think the county needs to get extending the parkway further North to Profit (?) on the priority list. 29 cannot continue to be the only major North/South corridor (aside from Rt. 20 if you consider that major).

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